The dictionary meaning of Beg means to ask something earnestly or honestly but some people make this thing as a business and children are the sources for them to earn whether they are parents or mafia people. Children have the right to play in their childhood, nobody can take that away from them, but when the situation arises to earn for the survival, they forget to play , forget to go to school and even forget their rights to ask the government nor they have the one who can ask the government about these children rights.
There are so many issues arises like:
Because of us: When we give money (or biscuits), we initiate a cycle of poverty and give children a motive to stay out of school and earn easily.
Child Trafficking/Human Trafficking: According to reports, In India roughly 60k children disappear every year, and may be they are kidnapped by some dealers or mafia people to make them earn like this and there is no one who can save them because even the police gets good incentive while let them begging.
Political Structure: A law was formed on 7 July 2008 to eradicate child beggary from delhi but they are failed to do that. You check this article.
Emotionally or Violence: Around 80% children are forced by their parents to do begging because they think its easy to earn rather than doing something
And Lastly Unemployment: Government is not able to provide them jobs, they initiate some programs like skill India etc but again this also become a part of corruption , somehow it is successful but again it doesn’t able to generate more jobs.
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