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There’s been some talk among journalists, regular folks and tech people about whether Twitter should ban Donald Trump. Like, that’s the conversation at this point – we’ve all resigned ourselves to the fact that the current president of the United States tweets like a 13-year-old Mean Girl on his unsecure Android phone from the White House. We’ve all thrown up our hands on that one. So now people wonder if Twitter should shut him down. I don’t think they will, first of all. Second of all, I don’t think they should – Trump is the worst person in the world and he’s going to kill us all, but I’d rather deal with his tweets out in the open, rather than having sh-t be all covert. That being said, I’m literally breaking out in stress rashes whenever I look at Trump’s tweets, and sure, I wish he wasn’t such a fascist a–hole. Speaking of, these are just some of his tweets from Friday and Saturday:
The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @NBCNews, @ABC, @CBS, @CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 17, 2017
"One of the most effective press conferences I've ever seen!" says Rush Limbaugh. Many agree.Yet FAKE MEDIA calls it differently! Dishonest
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 17, 2017
Don't believe the main stream (fake news) media.The White House is running VERY WELL. I inherited a MESS and am in the process of fixing it.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 18, 2017
So, yeah. Trump isn’t just at war with the intelligence community, Australia, the Democratic Congressional minority, sanity, immigrants, women, Muslims, refugees, John McCain and facts. He’s also going to war with the media. He’s literally saying that the free press is an enemy of the American people. That we would all be better off if the press was just “nice” to him, I guess. We would all be better off if he alone controlled the media. If there were no checks and balances. If he was our baby-fisted authoritarian despot. Obviously, #NotTheEnemy trended on Twitter throughout Friday and Saturday, and I would suggest looking through those posts.
Oh, and Easy D completely made up a terror attack in Sweden. Because FAKE NEWS.
What else? Trump made an unhinged speech at a Boeing plant in South Carolina on Friday. He decided to make a “joke” about Air Force One. “What can look so beautiful at 30? An airplane.” Because once a woman is 30, you might as well trade her in for two 15-year-olds, I suppose. That’s the way it is in Emperor Baby Fists’ Rusmerica.
President Trump: Air Force One "as beautiful as it looks, is 30 years old… what can look so beautiful at 30?" https://t.co/Z0VjnKH6kI
— NBC News (@NBCNews) February 17, 2017
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Source: celebitchy.com
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