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So many people justifiably complain about Donald Trump’s weekends in Florida, but here’s the silver lining: at least he isn’t signing 10 million Executive Orders over the weekend nowadays, and at least we don’t have to wake up on Saturday and Sunday mornings, wondering what fresh hell awaits us. That being said, Emperor Baby Fists manages to fill the work week with enough bulls–t that it spills over into the weekend. So here are some stories that are going around from the past three days or so:
The Merkel Mess Part 1. No one thought that Angela Merkel’s first trip to meet Donald Trump in-person was going to go well. But did Baby Fists have to be so openly filled with disgust? He literally refused to shake her hand. He later claimed that he didn’t hear her. Bulls–t.
The Merkel Mess Part 2. The joint press conference was awful for a million different reasons, but especially when Baby Fists made a “joke” about how he and Merkel were both wiretapped by Obama. Merkel’s reaction to this… OMG.
The Merkel Mess Part 3. Baby Fists doesn’t understand how NATO works. To be fair, his NATO briefing papers were written in Russian.
Despite what you have heard from the FAKE NEWS, I had a GREAT meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Nevertheless, Germany owes…..
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 18, 2017
…vast sums of money to NATO & the United States must be paid more for the powerful, and very expensive, defense it provides to Germany!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 18, 2017
Fareed Zakaria on Baby Fists. I like Zakaria a lot – his Sunday show on CNN is great, and I love his international political analysis. Zakaria is also no fan of Trump, obviously. Zakaria appeared on Don Lemon’s show on Friday night and Fareed repeatedly called out Trump’s “bulls–t.” Literally, Fareed kept saying that live on CNN. He said: “I think the president is somewhat indifferent to things that are true or false. He has spent his whole life bulls—ting. He has succeeded by bulls—ting. He has gotten the presidency by bulls—ting. It’s very hard to tell somebody at that point that bulls— doesn’t work, because look at the results, right? But that’s what he does — he sees something, he doesn’t particularly care if it’s true or not, he just puts it out there. And then he puts something else out. … When pushed on it, he doesn’t take responsibility: ‘I wasn’t saying that, I was just quoting somebody else.’”
Dianne Feinstein thinks Trump will be impeached. Well done, Senator Feinstein, for keeping positive.
Baby Fists lied. I know, how shocking! He lied about having a major meeting with veterans groups. It never happened.
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Source: celebitchy.com
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