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Donald Trump’s ‘disillusioned’ Supporters Are Turning on Him, SAD!

Posted on the 14 April 2017 by Sumithardia

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This week in Trump’s America has been awful, like every other week. But this week has seen our baby-fisted emperor try to “pivot.” Pivot away from what, and pivot to what, one might ask. Personally, I believe Trump is pivoting to a warmonger, and it’s partly the media’s fault. Donald Bigly is so dumb and childlike that if you praise him for one thing, he will keep doing it. If you keep telling him he’s “presidential” when he authorizes raids and missile strikes, HE WILL KEEP DOING IT. He will look for reasons to keep killing people. It’s Pavlovian, our emperor’s need for flattery and praise and his willingness to do anything to get it. So no one should be surprised that Donald Bigly is trying to start a nuclear war with North Korea. No one should be surprised that the MOAB (mother of all bombs, because Dr. Strangelove was a documentary) was dropped on Afghanistan. The only surprise here is that it took more than 80 days for Donald Bigly’s pea brain to put all the pieces together, which is “stupid people love a War President.”
Speaking of stupid people, Politico did a lengthy piece about how all of those Trump-voting special snowflakes are super-upset that Donald Bigly doesn’t seem to give a sh-t about them and that Jared Kushner seems to be running things. They were led to believe that Steve Bannon would be running things and they’re really butthurt that Bannon is being phased out. Poor babies. You can read the full Politico piece here.
His supports’ complaints: Their complaints range from Trump’s embrace of an interventionist foreign policy to his less hawkish tone on China to, most recently, his marginalization of his nationalist chief strategist, Steve Bannon. But the crux of their disillusionment, interviews with nearly two dozen Trump loyalists reveal, is a belief that Trump the candidate bears little resemblance to Trump the president. He’s failing, in their view, to deliver on his promise of a transformative “America First” agenda driven by hard-edged populism.
He’s not keeping his word! “Donald Trump dropped an emotional anchor. He captured how Americans feel,” said Tania Vojvodic, a fervent Trump supporter who founded one of his first campaign volunteer networks. “We expect him to keep his word, and right now he’s not keeping his word.” Earlier this week, Vojvodic launched a Facebook group called, “The concerned support base of President Trump,” which quickly drew several dozen sign-ups. She also changed the banner on her Facebook page to a picture of Bannon accompanied by the declaration: “Mr. President: I stand with Steve Bannon.”
You mean Trump will just say whatever? “It was like, here’s the chance to do something different. And that’s why people’s hopes are dashed,” said Lee Stranahan, who, as a former writer at Breitbart News, once worked with Bannon. “There was always the question of, ‘Did he really believe this stuff?’ Apparently, the answer is, ‘Not as much as you’d like.’”
[From Politico]
Jesus take the wheel. These people are only realizing right now that Donald Trump is a bigly-talking snake oil salesman who has few authentic political beliefs and even fewer ethics? As much as I want to laugh at these people, I can’t. They are pathetic, just as pathetic as our emperor.

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Source: celebitchy.com

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