Family Magazine

Don’t Miss Out When Your Sinuses Got You Down #SUDAFEDREPLAY Sweepstakes

By Upliftingfam @upliftingfam

Bear Heat Wrap for Sinus HeadachesI am excited that spring is almost here so that we can spend more time outdoors before it gets too hot in Texas. As the temperatures start to warm up everything starts blooming, my allergies usually kick into high gear and I start having major problems with my sinus pressure and congestion. I attempt to keep allergies under control but I still manage to get severe sinus pressure and congestion that often ends with a visit to the doctor for a sinus infections. When I start getting symptoms of sinus pressure, I will pick up some SUDAFED® from the store and take it as needed to relieve the sinus pressure and congestion. I don’t let sinus pressure and congestion keep me from spending time outdoors with my children.Depending on the severity of my sinus pain or pressure, it can prevent me from working, taking care of my children, sleeping, and keep me from enjoying life. As a mom, my kids still need me even when I don’t feel good.

Disclosure: I participated in a Sponsored post from SUDAFED®  and Sverve. Please contact your health care provider or doctor before taking any over the counter medications or have any questions about sinus pressure and congestion. 

In fact, last night I started getting a sinus headache and after laying in bed for an hour hoping that my headache would go away on its own. I finally decided to get up and take some SUDAFED®. I knew that if I didn’t take something for my headache that my symptoms weren’t going to go away on their own. I have suffered from sinus pressure and pain most of my life. It is usually triggered by my allergies or an upper respiratory infection. If I leave it un-treated, I risk it turning into a sinus infection.  I have personally used SUDAFED® for sinus pressure, congestion, and even those tough headaches that won’t go away with regular treatment. d SUDAFED®  works great and helps relieve my sinus pressure and congestion quickly.

I also use a heating pad that you can put into the microwave in combination with taking medication. So last night, I grabbed my teddy bear wrap around heating pad, its one of those buddies that you put into the microwave to heat it up. It is similar to the bed buddy, but this one has a slip cover that looks like a teddy bear. (see photo above) Once I have heated him in the microwave, I will put the wrap around my neck or over my forehead depending on where my pain is at. The warmth feels good and helps the warm moist heat helps to open up my sinuses.


Enter the SUDAFED REPLAY™ Sweepstakes

Sinus sufferers can enter to win a SUDAFED REPLAY™ to help them relive their most regrettable, missed out moments. By
simply describing the activity they missed or suffered through due to sinus pain and congestion on the SUDAFED REPLAY™ app
on the SUDAFED® Facebook page, sinus sufferers will be entered to win a $250 gift card for such experiences as a Flight Replay,
Sporting Event Replay, or Movie Replay. The sweepstakes is open through April 6, 2014.

Click here to enter the SUDAFED REPLAY™ Sweepstakes

Bear Aromatherpy Hot Cold Collar Wrap
Aroma Cat Collar Wrap Aromatherpy
Spa Comforts Cuddle Cat Lavender Hot Cold Collar Warp

Like these products? Click on the photo for more information.

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What do you use to relieve your sinus congestion?

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