Destinations Magazine

Don't Mess With A Scottish Guardsman

By Lwblog @londonwalks
DC Editor Adam writes…
A tourist who decided to film a few dance moves outside St James's Palace was invited by a Scottish guardsman to absent himself at his earliest convenience.
"Ho!" he begins. Roughly translated as "Excuse me old chap, may I have your attention for a moment please?"
"Get yersel' away!" he continues, adding, "you came here and did this yesterday, too."
Clearly the guard is a reasonable chap: dancing like a ninny in front of St James's Palace once is merely foolish. Twice is unacceptable.
His final words of advice? "Do wan!"
That's Do One. Vamoose. Skedaddle. Beat it. Desist. Go.
His tone brooks no nonsense and our boogie-woogie tourist boy shuffles off looking more shamefaced than any grown-up I have ever seen.
Watch the full thing for yourselves here…

A London Walk costs £10 – £8 concession. To join a London Walk, simply meet your guide at the designated tube station at the appointed time. Details of all London Walks can be found at
Don't Mess With A Scottish GuardsmanDon't Mess With A Scottish GuardsmanDon't Mess With A Scottish GuardsmanDon't Mess With A Scottish GuardsmanDon't Mess With A Scottish GuardsmanDon't Mess With A Scottish GuardsmanDon't Mess With A Scottish GuardsmanDon't Mess With A Scottish GuardsmanDon't Mess With A Scottish GuardsmanDon't Mess With A Scottish Guardsman

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