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We’re on the wind down to the end of the year, and so I’m going to write more about taking stock of your past year – successes and failures – to create a great marketing and pr plan for 2012.
A very smart marketing consultant once told me that it’s impossible to decide where you’re going, until you know where you’ve been. But as small business owners and entrepreneurs it can be painful to look back…because we’re so damn hard on ourselves. Yet if I don’t look back, how do I incorporate all the lessons I’ve learned, including the hard ones, into my plans for the coming year?
I was in a meeting with an accomplished businessman the other day who was beating himself up for not predicting the meltdown in 2008 and protecting his businesses better. I suspect this gentleman is quite wealthy yet he was just like the rest of us, regretting the signs he missed and losing self-esteem in the process. Another friend was berating herself for throwing her heart and soul into a project for her company, only to be told on a moment’s notice that her start-up company was folding and she was out of work.