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I’m enjoying all of year-old footage of Republicans losing their minds over Hillary Clinton being investigated by the FBI. So many Republicans were throwing parties at this time last year, claiming that the FBI investigation into Hillary’s damn emails meant that she shouldn’t be president. Now that their own unhinged lunatic is president and under FBI investigation, most of those same Republicans have gone radio silent. So what else is going on in the political world? Let’s do some highlights:
We need to take a moment and understand the enormity of our situation. Granted, it felt like a national tragedy the day after Trump was elected. It felt like death. It felt like nothing would ever be the same and that our nation had fundamentally shifted. In the months that followed, the media made themselves busy by trying to normalize Trump (only it really didn’t stick). Now this week, we have confirmation from the Director of the FBI that the FBI has been investigating Donald Trump, his people and his campaign since JULY. And the investigation is about a hostile nation’s takeover of our political system. The sitting president of the United States is being investigated. The Trump White House is being investigated for espionage and, presumably, treason. Vox had a great summary on just how huge all of this is.
Remember Paul Manafort? Manafort was the Trump Campaign’s chairman and one of Russia’s first inside-men. Well, Manafort is being sought for questioning by the FBI and Ukrainian authorities. Charge him with treason! LOCK HIM UP.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer wants to delay the SCOTUS vote. Neil Gorsuch’s Senate confirmation hearing started this week, and a vote to confirm Gorsuch would have likely come later this week or next week. Schumer wants to delay the vote because… Donald Trump is under FBI investigation and we need to be focused on that, basically. I agree! I don’t think Schumer’s plan will work, of course, but I like his effort.
Trumpcare is a mess. Everything about it is a mess. The House votes on the Trumpcare bill tomorrow and no one has an accurate whip count. Some House Republicans are openly defiant, saying they will not vote for it. Some are worried that a vindictive, petty Emperor Baby Fists will exact his revenge if they don’t vote for it. I suspect that the House will manage to barely pass some form of the bill and then it will be DOA when it gets to the Senate.
Trump’s Secretary of Defense is interesting. SecDef Mattis keeps appointing “Obama veterans” to key Pentagon posts, and Mattis doesn’t seem to want any part of Baby Fists’ “remaking the Pentagon” scheme. That’s interesting.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is a mess. I kind of think he absolutely hates his job and he already wants to quit. Apparently, he didn’t even want this job and his wife “convinced” him to take it. He hates NATO so he’s not going to an important NATO meeting next month, but he’ll make it to Russia to get his orders. Such ennui with this one.
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Source: celebitchy.com
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