Destinations Magazine

Don't Forget It's Red Nose Day 2017 Soon - Here's How We Rolled Back In 2013

By Lwblog @londonwalks
Don't Forget It's Red Nose Day 2017 Soon - Here's How We Rolled Back In 2013DC Editor Adam writes…

In December 2016 I posted the The Daily Constitutional's blog post number 5,000.

To mark the occasion I've been digging in the archive and over February 2017 I'll be reblogging The DC's "Greatest Hits" – my 50 favorite posts. 

In addition I'll be sharing my 50 favorite London photos to have appeared here since October 2008. 

I hope you enjoy them

Feb 2017
This post dates from March 2013 when I donned my pajamas to lead the Rock'n'Roll London Walk in aid of Comic Relief. Red Nose Day 2017 is coming soon, you can visit their website here:
First Published March 2013…It's Red Nose Day this Friday and all across the UK people who are usually quite sensible will be doing daft things to raise money for charities in the UK and Africa.
I will be leading the Rock'n'Roll London Walk in my pajamas.
Don't Forget It's Red Nose Day 2017 Soon - Here's How We Rolled Back In 2013 (You might like to read that again.)
Join me (you can wear your ordinary day clothes, of course) at Tottenham Court Road Station at 2.00pm on Friday 15th March 2013. All the takings will be donated to Comic Relief. I aim to raise £250.
Meet Max…
Don't Forget It's Red Nose Day 2017 Soon - Here's How We Rolled Back In 2013
Max will be helping to lead the Rock’n’Roll London Walk this Friday.
(On the day I posted…)
Here I am at the start of the day on the school run with five-year-old Isobella…
Don't Forget It's Red Nose Day 2017 Soon - Here's How We Rolled Back In 2013 …Isobella emptied her piggy bank and donated the nice, round figure of £17.17. Thanks Isobella!
And here's me and Max on the commute…

Don't Forget It's Red Nose Day 2017 Soon - Here's How We Rolled Back In 2013
And at the end of the day I blogged this…

A huge and heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who sponsored me in my pajamas today on the Rock'n'Roll London Walk – thanks to your amazing generosity I DOUBLED my target!

Don't Forget It's Red Nose Day 2017 Soon - Here's How We Rolled Back In 2013

The total sum raised now stands at £508.85!

A London Walk costs £10 – £8 concession. To join a London Walk, simply meet your guide at the designated tube station at the appointed time. Details of all London Walks can be found at
Don't Forget It's Red Nose Day 2017 Soon - Here's How We Rolled Back In 2013Don't Forget It's Red Nose Day 2017 Soon - Here's How We Rolled Back In 2013Don't Forget It's Red Nose Day 2017 Soon - Here's How We Rolled Back In 2013Don't Forget It's Red Nose Day 2017 Soon - Here's How We Rolled Back In 2013Don't Forget It's Red Nose Day 2017 Soon - Here's How We Rolled Back In 2013Don't Forget It's Red Nose Day 2017 Soon - Here's How We Rolled Back In 2013Don't Forget It's Red Nose Day 2017 Soon - Here's How We Rolled Back In 2013Don't Forget It's Red Nose Day 2017 Soon - Here's How We Rolled Back In 2013Don't Forget It's Red Nose Day 2017 Soon - Here's How We Rolled Back In 2013Don't Forget It's Red Nose Day 2017 Soon - Here's How We Rolled Back In 2013

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