Business Magazine

Don’t Dial A Phone Number Dial A Domain Instead

Posted on the 10 June 2013 by Worldwide @thedomains

Dialing a phone number is so 1950′s.

Not you don’t have to dial a phone number you can just dial a domain thanks to an app named Siter.

Siter is a new concept, you make a phone call, but instead of dialing phone numbers you dial a domain or an e-mail address.

Of course as the website owner you have to download the free App and put the phone number you want your site associated with first but I did it today and it was a very quick any easy process.

Once you establish the free account people can use the App to call you by typing in the site into the app

This is how they describe it on their site:

  1. Easy to memorize

    Easy to memorize – all studies have shown it is much easier to remember names rather than numbers. Use Siter and free yourself from telephone numbers.

  2. Its forever!

    Since your domain is a unique and universal identifier, you always publish the same address. You can change your telephone number at Siter anytime.

  3. Intuitive

    Domain names are intuitive and users can call thousands of addresses.

  4. E-mail, sites and blogs

    Its easy to associate a telephone number with your site, e-mail or blog.

  5. Local identification

    You will no longer need to publish an enormous list of telephone numbers in each state or region, you can simply publish your domain.

  6. Replace your 800 number

    You wont need to publish your 800 number, you can simply publish your domain.

usage examples


  1. 1. assign a phone number to a internet address: domain, email, blog and etc.

  2. 2. assign multiple telephones to your domain

  3. 3. multiple phones with location based service


  1. Don’t Dial A Phone Number Dial A Domain Instead
  2. Don’t Dial A Phone Number Dial A Domain Instead
  3. Don’t Dial A Phone Number Dial A Domain Instead

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