One of the most interesting of the sub-genres of the reality television explosion of the last decade has been that of the storage and pawn series. Of all of the pawn related reality there is none that has as colorful a cast and as interesting a zip code as Beverly Hills Pawn and the biggest jewelry expert in the entire cast is none other than Dominique.

She was born and raised in Los Angeles, Graduated UCLA with a B.A. and did one year in Law School. Her Masters in Clinical Psychology led to a career of social work in jails counseling women battling addiction. To this day she continues to support all causes concerning education and support for these same woman in her free time when she is not rocking being the coolest single mom with a strong love and loyalty for her family.
Our interview started with the obvious question:
Tatyana: ‘I find it interesting that you have a degree in Psychology, why did you choose Beverly Hills Pawn as a career?’

Dominique: “My job involves a lot of listening to the client and really hearing their pain. Many people we see are in transition due to a death in the family, an illness, divorce, or relocation and they need to be heard. They come in and feel listened to which is really what all of us are yearning for. We just want someone to acknowledge us and feel for our position in life. We share each others stories all the time and we bond.”
Tatyana: ‘Where did you learn what you know now?’
Dominique: “I read a lot. I did online study at GIA (Gemological Institute of America) after work. I go to flea markets, yard sales, garage sales, estate sales and thrift shops. All of these experiences have taught me something. I ask a lot of questions from people who are more experienced than I.”
Dominique and her on screen and real life boss, Yossi have known each other and worked together for sixteen years. She is the big loan rainmaker, evaluating diamonds, estate jewels, art and memorabilia. She has even been known to cook Yossi a meal at times. Her job covers just about everything!
Dominique says about her almost two decades of tenure, “The adrenaline and rush of the job and close relationships with our clients keeps me coming back for more.”
When I sat down with Dominique to get some more exclusive and enjoyable nibbles about her life outside the show and her new found stardom she said: “I love to read about Navy Seals. I am a huge boxing fan. I am a sucker for a man in uniform. If Chris Isaak and Deborah Harry could have a music baby, I would want to sing like her!”

I asked for more details about her life and she avows to be an extreme lover of water, “I will get into a pool, a puddle, an ocean or a river any chance I can. I love fast boats, jet skis and swimming. I may have been a pirate in another life as I love parrots and gold coins too!”.
Gold coins are fine but as a Woman with a fine appreciation of true bobbles we must know ‘What is the most expensive diamond you have ever held in your hand?’
“I have tried on a 20ct pink diamond worth millions and it was amazing” though because of her passion for the sport of boxing Dominique continues,”… but my favorite item to try on was Muhammed Ali’s championship ring though the finger size was HUGE! Even better, I have worn Floyd Mayweather’s all diamond Audemars Piguet watch. He is a great client of ours and I am so excited when he and his entourage visit us.”

You can catch Dominique and her wonderful cast-mates and some of the most interesting Hollywood Superstars…. and their Bobbles, every Wednesday at 9PM EST on Reelz. They are currently in production of Season Three and there will be plenty of time to get caught up before the new episodes, featuring Dominique’s new super fit and sexy self, airing later this year.
Click the bird and Connect with Dominique on Twitter.

Tatyana is Lithuanian born graduate of Vilnius University Law School where she successfully practiced law, and created a widely read European Fashion Magazine. In the United States, since becoming a citizen, Tatyana has been a successful Commercial and Mortgage Lender at Bank of America, a licensed Financial Advisor, and the founder of The Georgia Commerce Club which is the largest privately owned chamber in the Nation. As a Real Estate Agent she brings her marketing and networking skills and some European Style and Fashion to help her clients find their perfect home.