Last Updated on 13 December, 2022
Dome Keeper Tips – This article will offer 10 tips to share with Dome Keeper players who are looking for advice on how to get started with the fantastic game.
Dome Keeper Tips
The game Dome Keeper is a lot of fun, but it can also be overwhelming at first.
Here is a short list of information to make the first few drops of your adventure to pillage and loot historical artifacts from worlds throughout the galaxy easier:
Dome Keeper Tips – First Tip
Prioritize your offense/defence there since losing your dome to the aliens you are fighting is the only way to die; everything else can wait.
Dome Keeper Tips – Second Tip
This is a game where a strong offense is always better than a strong defense. You’ll discover that some enemies (the flying stuff) deal extremely heavy damage yet are rather simple to take out, so it’s best to carefully choose your opponents.
Dome Keeper Tips – Third Tip
Start early and focus on mining iron (squares) throughout the first few waves. Once you’ve slightly upgraded yourself, you can use the other resources.
Dome Keeper Tips – Fourth Tip
The drill update and alien warning system should come first in the build order. This gives you more time to mine and lets you know how long you have until you have to return home. Your early speed depends more on drill than flight.
Dome Keeper Tips – Fifth Tip
When you have cobalt (triangles), don’t be hesitant to use them to heal yourself. The alternative to dying with a pocket full of triangles is to be in perfect health and have nothing in the bank.
Sixth Tip
… On that note, you can quickly D into the upgrade screen while still in the middle of a battle to heal yourself. Be quick, though, as doing so puts your life in danger!
Seventh Tip
What about those awesome improvements? Certain are superior to others, however it depends on preference. The lift and teleporter are both fantastic, and the probe is useful. Drilbert and the blaster not so much… but have fun with each one.
Eighth Tip
Some upgrades you purchase (such as the Shield Overcharge) install a device in your dome, which requires you to go over and press SPACE in order to turn on. There it is, without explanation.
Ninth Tip
Getting unlocks depends on how you play the game. For instance, if you use Repellant, The Orchard is unlocked.
Tenth Tip
Mining difficulty is influenced by depth (by color) and density (visible in the blocks). Prioritize removing each layer by color before going too deep because mine is more difficult… However, the truly large deposits are typically lower, so go deep when you’re ready to mine and carry more!
About Dome Keeper
Defend yourself against waves of aliens in this innovative mining and survival roguelike. Dig for resources and choose from powerful upgrades – do you have enough time to dig some more, or must you return to defend your dome from monsters?