It does not take a genius to figure out that dogs can bring companionship, comfort and a good reason to exercise into your life. They will protect you from harm and stand by you during hard times and weather. For those of us who are single women, who are coming home to an empty home or apartment, it is comforting to be greeted by a bunch of wet kisses and tail wags. Someone there to greet you and make the world a friendlier place to live. A best friend. And it also is great to have a travel companion who is always ready for adventure.
But here are a few more benefits that having a dog when you are single can bring.
1. Dogs ARE unconditional love. Guys lie, cheat, steal and break your heart. Not ALL guys but there are some real FROGS out there in the single universe. And despite our starry eyes and rose colored glasses, when we overlook BIG RED FLAGS (our friends and family usually don’t but how often do we listen to them?) and inherent warts and flaws, we are going to have trouble with a capital T. But your puppy will sniff out trouble and LOVE you always even if you leave her alone to go out on a date with a creepy frog.
2. Dogs keep you active, young and fit. You do not always want to exercise. That is a massive understatement. You get home from work, before work, on the weekends, you just want to kick back and DO NOTHING, remain or become a couch potato. But when you have a dog, you MUST walk them several times a day. And you may even take them for hikes and swims on the weekend, so that they get to zoom around. In the process, you get those endorphins flowing too. If you have a Jack Russell Terrier, Golden Retriever or other big dog, they are going to give you a workout like you have never had at a gym.
3. Enhance your single life. At the dog park, traveling with your dog and all around town, you are going to attract and meet other people. People with dogs. Cute, single guys with dogs. Other women with dogs. All kinds of people with dogs. You will even get to know your neighbors. You have something in common and naturally have a topic of conversation. Much better than awkward encounters at bars, cruises, dances or blind dates. Even if you spend most of your life online, you will meet other people with dogs, especially if you write a dog blog and get involved with pet groups, blog hops and other activities on Facebook, Twitter and elsewhere. And who knows, Prince Charming just might have a dog, too.
4. Your dog is a good judge of character. Canines cannot help themselves. They are gregarious and social creatures. And they do NOT think twice about flirting with and going up to total strangers with a friendly tail wag and kisses. Your dog may be just the right magnet for meeting men, the kind of men who are reliable, loyal, faithful and good catches. Just the kind of men you want to MEET. Now some of them may be married guys but some will also be single. And guys can’t lie about their looks, when you meet them in person. You will still need to be selective but our dogs know the difference between good people and ones with nefarious motives. So if your dog likes the guy, (or growls every time she sees him), you might want to take notice and either give the guy the benefit of your doubts or stay far far away or give them the boot.
5. Dogs just want to have FUN. They love to have FUN and adventures and will get you OUT of the house and to the beach, park, pet friendly winery, and shopping mall. You no longer have to settle for meeting men online, through friends, and at desperate single places (speed dating, ugh). You and your dog are going to experience all the fun activities that your town and city have to offer and then move on to other places. As traveling companions, you will get to know all the HOT spots and great places to meet truly eligible single men just by following your dog’s nose. Canines are so good at sniffing out the good ones. And what red-blooded man can resist talking to a woman eating with her dog at an outdoor patio or a woman and her dog romping at the beach. Your dogs will like one another. You will meet someone mature and responsible enough to take care of another creature, someone who have share something in common with, a kind soul, a kindred soul and the rest will be ahhhhhh romantic history.

6. Love is a many splendored dog. Your dog’s breed may be a Heinz 57 pound pup or shelter dog, but if your dog belongs to a recognized breed, even if they are mixed (two recognizable breeds), you have something in common with a bunch of folks who also have dogs of a particular breed. Strike up the band to meeting pug lovers, daschund hounds and/or pit bull aficionados and your match may truly end up in doggie heaven. If your guy loves animals, is kind to animals, and has a dog that looks just like your dog, you could even win a contest (for two people who look just like their dogs and fell in love). And you might just meet at a pug conference, rescue operation or pug show/event. Is that Kismet or Pugmet or what?
7. Your dog will eliminate the frogs for you. A frog who is just out for a romp in the sack is not going to like sharing his bed with a dog, offer to take care of your dog when you are sick or on vacation, or deal with canine comes with the territories such as shedding, rolling in poop, barfing and/or other stinky adventures, never mind understand why you are worried about your pooch and need to get them to the Vet ASAP, or FIND THEM if they are LOST. If the guy is mean to your dog in any way, hurts your dog, abuses your dog, RUN DO NOT WALK AWAY (and call the Police and press charges). If he wants you to get rid of your dog, take them to the shelter/pound or give the dog away, you KNOW that the guy is NOT NOT NOT a keeper, definitely NOT husband material and NOT NOT NOT for you.
8. Dogs can be good babysitters. Not all dogs. And some dogs that you would not expect, like pit bulls (America’s nanny dogs). If you are a single mom and have a dog, both will repel frogs who could not care less about babies, children and pets. While some dogs are very good with children, NEVER leave a baby or child alone with a dog.
9. Dogs want to please you. Some guys do not bring you flowers, write poems, sing songs or dance with you. Even if they are good guys. Guys may not clean house, nor want to go shopping with you, listen to you nor want to go to the cleaners, salon or grocery store. But your dog will do whatever they can do to please you. and if that includes companionship, dogs are right there, on board, in the car and ready to go.
10. Dogs are less expensive than men. Think about it. You do not have to get dressed up, put on make-up nor impress your dog. Your dog is already impressed because you feed them, walk with them and play with them. Ok, you do have to buy pet food, treats, toys and bones and vet care but how much do you have to spend on dates? Maybe you cook for your guy, share some of the expenses of your dates, and if you have a frog, are paying more than your fair share. Add up the cost of clothes, make-up, food, gas, phone bills, gifts for birthdays and anniversaries and movies and compare them to your doggie expenses. Are you paying too much? Also add up the emotional price of dating frogs and/or looking for your one and only in the wrong places and you may wanna stick to your dog like glue and let your dog help you find your perfect match.
11. With a dog you are never alone. One can be a lonely number. If you have a dog, you will always have someone to come home to. Someone to talk to who may not understand when you are mad, sad, or complaining but will love you anyway. Your dog wants to be with you always, even escorts you to the bathroom. A dog will make you laugh, makes a great snuggle/cuddle partner, keeps your toes warm, comforts you when you are not feeling well or are just plain blue and inspires hope that you will find Prince Charming and/or Live Your DREAMS, whatever they are.