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Dog Suddenly Scared Of Something In The House! What Causes It?

By Junefrazier

Dogs are capable of showing us what they really feel. Although most of the time we just come up with smart guesses, their actions mirror their emotions that help us determine what really is going on. They can express love, anger, hate, guilt, excitement, and joy. But when they tremble, move away, or endlessly bark toward something, that's probably fear.

Dogs are strange in a funny way. Well, most of the time! But if your dog is suddenly scared of something and acting really much stranger than ever, there must be a reason behind it. They might bark at something or run away from it that we don't see. Did you ever experience that with your dog?

What could it possibly be? Trust me. Getting to the most reasonable answers is a bit tough. But we've gathered all the common reasons you must know.

Common Reasons Why Your Dog Suddenly Gets Scared

Some owners resort to some kind of ghosts or paranormal activities and such, as the reason why their dogs get scared all of a sudden. It is possible but probably not the best reason you could think of. But the huge question is, what really causes it?

Let's put a halt to those speculations for the meantime and take a look at these five common reasons.

1. Powerful Senses

Dogs are gifted with powerful senses that no human could ever fathom. They are very sensitive even to the littlest details or the distant objects that are far beyond our reach. Like when nothing seems to be present, dogs can perceive where the sound might come from. Their hearing range is four times farther away than what humans are capable of.

They can also get the exact information and the entire background, mood, or story, of a person, an animal, or any object through their sense of smell. No wonder that even blind dogs can track places, objects, and movements just by a sniff. Their amazing noses can even tell if you've got some treat in your pocket! Impressive, isn't it?

So, if you notice your dog behaving a bit far from the usual or excessively barking at something you can't see, your dog might have sensed a different kind of movement. Perhaps a cat, a rat, or a lizard that passed by his territory or light footsteps from a stranger or anyone inside and outside the house.

2. Potential Danger

Apart from its ability to hear and sense the lightest creaks or footsteps or see the smallest and annoying pests inside the house, dogs can sense a potential danger before it happens. Because of their sensitive senses, they can feel and detect earthquake due to the electrical signal and movement of rocks underground. Dogs can also hear the roaring thunder of storms before we can even hear them.

Some dogs would bark like crazy when they sense something strange. But it pays off to listen to what they're trying to say. They might show signs of fear but it could be a hint of a possible danger or trouble. Although it is still a mystery about what they can feel or if they can feel something at all, their gestures or signals or even the most annoying howl or bark could be a warning you shouldn't ignore.

3. Medical Issues

If your dog is suffering from a health condition, it may show signs of fear or unusual behavior such as excessive barking or biting. This is mostly true for senior dogs who might be suffering from canine cognitive dysfunction or dog dementia. Behavioral issues arise. With such health condition, it may cause them to forget their usual routine or activities.

4. Stress and Anxiety

Your dog might be running around the house, excessively barking toward something you don't see or perhaps moving away from you, anyone, or something else in the house. It may seem that he's scared of something, but it can also be a sign of stress and anxiety.

When dogs don't get enough time to play or when they spend their time alone most of the time, it can trigger stress and anxiety that can lead to behavioral issues.

Poor health also causes stress and behavioral issues. Hence, it's important to nurture your dog with a high-quality dog food or healthy home cooked meals to keep him happy and nourished all the time!

5. Traumatic Experience

Dogs are truly commendable with their amazing memory retention. They have the ability to recall commands that help them cope and comply with the training. However, a dog's memory can also recall traumatic experiences that can affect their behavior toward something or other people.

If your furry companion becomes suddenly scared of something in your house, it must have remembered a bad experience with that specific object, person, or place. This behavior is also common for dogs who have been adopted from shelters or previous owners who had treated them badly.

Why You Should Not Ignore Your Dog's Fear

If you've seen any of those initial warnings of fear, do not ignore them. It can lead to a greater problem in the long run. This may result in bad temper and behavior such as biting, anxiety, extreme submission, biting, air snapping, growling, and excessive barking.

It is important to take your dog's behavior seriously before it gets worse. It may seem funny at times but it is best to consult your vet for help to know what really is going on.

What You Can Do

You can help your furbaby cope with the situation with a comforting gesture, perhaps a quick pat or a tender hug. It's not easy to deal with your dog when it gets frightened about something, but your actions and reactions toward the situation or that particular object might help your dog determine what to do.

Providing comfort might help calm your dog. But if you show fear over the situation, it may also reinforce your dog's fear and it may show signs of fear again with that same thing the next time your dog encounters it.

Reach Out For Help

It can be a complete mystery for a furparent like you to see your dog behave in a way you haven't seen before. Sometimes, it seems fine to let it go knowing that your dog can just get over it later on. However, this behavior may worsen over time if an immediate action does not take place. You can always reach out for help.

It is always best to take your dog to the vet to rule out the exact reasons why your dog behaves that way. Blogs and websites of professional dog trainers may also assist you with your dog's behavioral issues.

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