So that it runs comfortably and smoothly, and is free of stress for all concerned, you must prepare for the big event before bringing your new puppy home. It’s important to establish care rules and routine for all the family in advance of the big day when you will collect your new pooch. Setting a date well in advance will also give you time to get all the necessary items ready. - source
It’s important that your dog understands his place in the household and behaves appropriately. For example, you should be able to greet visitors at the door without your dog rushing to get there first or refusing to let them in.
There are a number of things that you can do to implement house rules that your dog understands. When you come home at any time of day, do what you need to do fists, such as taking off your coat and hanging it up or putting the groceries away. Do anything at all except go straight to your dog and give him attention. While he is rushing around in excitement at your return and demanding attention, ignore him.
You don’t want to reinforce his notion that he has high status in the household. After a while your dog will get fed up with being ignored and will either find something to do or lie down. At this point, call him and give him a few minutes of attention.
Check out Puppy Play Bite: Stopping Your Pup While He’s Still Young.
Make sure that the rest of the family, and guests, also adopt this strategy. By introducing these few firm rules, you will soon see a change in your dog’s behavior. He will not always be demanding your attention or be under your feet. When in the house you have the right to sit and read, relax or work, it is simply bad manners for you to put him in your way or refuses to move.
But most especially, remember to:
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