Debate Magazine
Does Victoria Grant Know That All Central Banks Are Owned by Rothschild?
Posted on the 04 June 2012 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN
12 year old 'financial economist' Victoria Grant has been well schooled by her parents on the fact that BANKS MAKE MONEY OUT OF THIN AIR. Good for her. Russia Today puts this spin on it, then interviews her.Economists around the world are struggling to break free of the clutches of the financial crisis. But a twelve-year-old Canadian knows what needs to be done. Victoria Grant took the Internet by storm overnight, after a video of her slamming Canada's banks for robbing the people went viral. [source RT]But ... ISFC or Internet Speculation Fabricated Conspiracy has come to the conglomerated conclusion that there are Rothschild-owned Central Banks in ALL BUT THREE countries in 2011 and that includes (one imagines) the Bank of Canada. Loans are still debt on the global scale, and debt is the money-making money-printing mechanism. Even at minimal interest for the borrower; usury still happens. Why didn't Victoria's dad educate his child on the possibility of a re-Diversified FREE PLANET where our delicate homeworld is THE DEFENSELESS CHILD being abused by the Fuck Machine of the Corporate War for asset, market share and profit, something all SEVEN BILLION OF US should be fighting to protect in every way we can?I'll tell you why, because NOBODY KNOWS THIS SHOULD BE A FREE PLANET. It's certainly not being broadcast or even discussed at any level I can find. The minds of the masses are so butchered by the relentless onslaught of advertising for Consumer Goods and Services that they (subconsciously) believe THEY SHOULD BE SLAVES, or it's good to PAY YOUR DUES TO SOCIETY. Even when that Society, especially the Big One our own prime minister here in UK, is going to expect you to be a slave for free, for no money; no reward.I suspect Victoria's education is quite genuine, she's spent a lot of time with her dad watching videos and reading books and that's great for the kid, but this sounds like the sort of cynical marketing campaign the Owners of Canada's Central Bank(cough) may have dreamt up themselves, no? If not, they must still be chuckling conspiratorially among their piratical cabal.