Books Magazine

Doctor Knowall

By Itellyouastory

There was once upon a time a poor peasant called Crabb, who drove withtwo oxen a load of wood to the town,  and sold it to a doctor for twotalers. When the money  was being  counted out  to him,  it so  happenedthat  the doctor was sitting at table, and when the peasant saw how wellhe ate  and drank, his heart  desired what  he saw, and  would willinglyhave been  a doctor too.

So he remained standing a while, and at lengthinquired if  he too could not  be a  doctor. «Oh,  yes,» said  thedoctor,  «that is  soon managed.» «What must  I do?» asked  the peasant.«In  the first place  buy yourself an A B C book of the  kind which hasa cock on the  frontispiece; in the  second, turn  your cart  and yourtwo oxen  into money,  and  get yourself some clothes, and whatsoeverelse pertains to medicine;  thirdly, have a sign painted  for yourselfwith the  words: “I am Doctor  Knowall,” and have that nailed up aboveyour house-door.»


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