Community Magazine

Do You Get It?

By Zakialacey @zakialaceyblog

I just watched this video and I decided to add it on my blog because it is something that we all need to hear. It is very easy to talk about men and how they "a*n't sh*t" but what about YOU? Do you think that maybe YOU are part of the problem?
I understand that we all go through things with men and yes some men really are trifling deadbeats who will never change, but is this something you already knew about this man? Did you even take the time to find out if he was this way before you decided to have sex with him? Was he already lying and cheating before you got married? Did he already have children that he chose not to support? Was he already a lazy bum with no plans of moving out of his mama's basement? I am asking you to ask yourself these questions and answer them honestly because it will save you a lot of time and heartache in the future. I am not judging you, I have been through it all but once I took a look in the mirror it became easier to accept some of the choices I made in life and move the hell on! We are constantly chasing the men who treat us like sh*t and looking over the men who treat us like queens.
Watch the video and take notes!

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