Do Not Disturb

After the inauguration of new car factory board members decided to have a drink session in board room to celebrate this new venture. " Do not disturb us and don't let any body in." Mr. Mehra told his secretory. He also ordered security guard to be at board room's gate so that nobody try to peep inside or hear anything as group of girls were also invited for fun and entertainment of board members.
This was time for celebration for them,they have faced so many difficulties in getting this land which belongs to farmers. Millions of rupees were distributed among politicians and bureaucrats in bribes to make changes in the paper that saved their other millions they need to pay to farmers as compensation. Farmers protested but they have money and when you throw money state protects you,police ensures that you need not to say Do not disturb instead they let you to disturb others.
No board member came out of room till midnight,it was then security guard opened the door to look inside. He was shocked to see that all board members were down on ground in the pool of blood. Those girls were also not there. He immediately called the police.
Police investigations revealed that shootout was performed by farmers who came disguised as girls to take revenge of occupying their lands illegally. They used silencers to fire the bullet. Guard said that he heard some noises but ignored because he was ordered ' Do not disturb.'
This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.