Debate Magazine

Do Libertarians Support the NRA?

Posted on the 11 June 2011 by Mikeb302000
Ted Knighton on United Liberty described why he, as a Libertarian, would not join the NRA. Basically he feels they're not extreme enough. He mentioned the fact that, "Their compromises gave us background checks for firearm purchases, among other things."
So, do I think libertarians should join the NRA? I can’t speak for everyone, but I sure as hell won’t. While I think a single issue group should focus on that one issue, I can’t believe that the NRA is truly interested in defending my right to keep and bear arms. Instead, I believe they’re interested in nothing more than playing the Washington game.
In other words, I personally recommend that libertarians looking to join an organization to defend our right to keep and bear arms not join the NRA. There are many other groups that do quality work in that arena as well, and are less compromising with our beloved Second Amendment rights than the NRA. Gun Owners of America is one such group.
So what do I saw to those who argue that the NRA is the largest gun rights group in the nation? I simply tell them that all things change in time, and it’s way past time for that fact to change.
What does all this mean? Are real Libertarians too extreme for the NRA? Do they really consider background checks which prevent some bad people from getting guns, an infringement of rights?
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