Lifestyle Magazine

DIY Outdoor Halloween Wreath

By Secondchancesgirl
I had the most relaxing weekend. So relaxed that I pulled out some supplies and made an outdoor wreath for our entry gate door. I know, incredible right? I never get a chance to just sit around and create something that's not food! Anyway, after years of wasting money on fancy wreaths that don't withstand the daily rain here in October, I decided that this year I was going to make my own waterproof Halloween wreath!
DIY Outdoor Halloween Wreath
This wreath is super simple to make, takes about 15 minutes and cost me less than $5. Yup, less than FIVE WHOLE DOLLARS!
All you need is a wire wreath ($2.29 at Walmart), plastic black yard bags ($1 at Dollar Tree), a tinsel decoration ($1 at Dollar Tree) and scissors!
DIY Outdoor Halloween Wreath
Tear off about 4 garbage bags (my wreath was about 12" and it took almost 4 bags) and fold in half. Then, cut about 1 inch strips all the way up through the fold lengthwise and then cut those strips in half at the fold.
DIY Outdoor Halloween Wreath
Then grab a set of strips (hopefully they stayed together). Each set of strips should be about 3 layers. Anything less and your wreath will have gaps. Tie your strips around the wreath and knot tight. 
DIY Outdoor Halloween Wreath
Continue tying your strips all the way around. If you see any gaps or thinner strips,  just push them towards the one next to it, create a space and tie new strips in the area. Once done, trim all your strips. How long you lave them is a personal choice. I cut off about two inches off each side of the strip. Once you are done trimming, flip over. It should look like this:
DIY Outdoor Halloween Wreath
Now you can hang a tinsel decoration in the middle, I used a ghost I had laying around, and hang outside!
DIY Outdoor Halloween Wreath
Quick, easy and for under $5 you can beat it!. The trashbags and tinsel can get wet and not fall apart. 
DIY Outdoor Halloween Wreath
What do you think? Have you ever made an outdoor wreath? What's the weather usually like where you live on Halloween?
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