Lifestyle Magazine

DIY Ombré with Bleach London

By Hellofreckles @tashajsteel
DIY Ombré with Bleach LondonMy hair has had a slight ombré for a while but I'd been very tempted by Bleach London for too long and decided it was long enough and in a good enough condition to handle some bleach! 
 DIY Ombré with Bleach LondonDIY Ombré with Bleach London
The Bleach London DIY dipdye is only £7 in Boots so it's considerably cheaper than going to the hairdressers. I've dyed my hair in the past (I've had streaks in my fringe, all red and all blonde) so I was comfortable doing it at home although I did ask my boyfriend to help me out just to make sure it was even!

It was really straightforward to use, applying some of the blending lotion first then the bleach mix and waiting for it to do its' magic. There was loads left over so I decided to be 17 again and put a little bit of blonde (which looks more ginger I guess) in my fringe. 

Now I'm trying to keep myself away from the semi-permanent colours from the Bleach London range. I'm very tempted to add a hint of pink to the ends..

What do you think of ombré hair? Have you tried any Bleach London products?

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