Lifestyle Magazine

DIY Digital Marketing Basics for Small Business

By Harshil Barot @Harshil_Barot

What are you doing to promote your business or brand online? Do you have a solid marketing strategy? IF you are just venturing out into the online realm with a new startup idea and no clue on how to market it, then this article is for you.

Here are some practical ideas to help you create a digital marketing strategy that delivers more targeted traffic to your site that converts.

Digital Marketing: A Step-by-Step Guide

DIY Digital Marketing Basics for Small Business

What is your end goal? Create specific, clear targets for your strategy. To understand your current position, view your visitor and site data on Google Analytics and set targets that will show and measurable difference in your income and exposure.

If you are intending to do your digital marketing yourself, then you can use automated tools to assist you in your marketing efforts. You will need to rely on a digital marketing team to assist you in some areas of your SEO and social platform marketing campaigns, However, there are many functions of your campaign that you can go yourself.

There are stellar automation tools that can help you schedule content, find relevant content to share, source industry influencers, and complete outreach tasks.

Social media marketing is all about content and creating target market engagement around it. Your content needs to be relevant and native to the platform you are posting on if you want to stand the best chance of it going viral.

Content is king, however, the engagement it drives is what will help you increase traffic and conversion. Always be alert of any mentions of your business or brand and follow the flow of conversion in your target audience.

Digital Marketing Basics Small Business

is a key component of your digital marketing strategy. It takes some time for SEO strategies to gain traction, however, when they do they can yield very impressive results that really ramp up your conversion numbers.

One of the key components of an SEO strategy is building links with authority sites in order to increase your own visibility to the search bots in engines such as and and improve your rankings. This outreach task can take a lot of time. Make sure you choose a reputable, experienced SEO team to work with.

Data is the flow of information that allows you to analyze the effectiveness of your digital marketing strategy. Make sure that you keep a keen eye on the numbers and adjust your strategy to figure out what is working and what isn't working. Focus your efforts on improving both your weaknesses and your strengths. The data will show you the way forward.

There will come a time when you realize that you can't do it all yourself. Running an effective online marketing strategy and all of the campaigns that it produces is best let to a team of professionals that have the right industry expertise and experience to take your digital marketing to the next level.

While many startups simply do not have the budget to accommodate this expense, it will do you well to re-invest any profits into establishing a digital marketing team as quickly as possible.

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