
Divi Vs Astra 2023 | How to Pick The #1 Theme (My Personal Openion)

Posted on the 20 August 2023 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

In this article, I have featured Divi vs Astra, Which One is the Best WordPress Theme for you in 2023

If you are one of the developers you might have gone through several platforms to search and find out the best theme for you. Congratulations to you as you have come to the right place. Now your tremendous search will come to an end!!

Through this article, we guide you to choose the best theme that meets your website needs. If you want detailed insight into Divi Theme then check out our Divi Theme Review.

Stick to the article until the end to decide the better of the two and suit our professionalism.

Bottom Line Upfront:

Divi is more than just a WordPress theme, it’s a complete design framework that lets you design and customize every part of your website from the bottom to top.

One of the main benefits of Divi is its ability to customize every aspect of your website, from the layout and typography to the color scheme and animations. This level of control allows you to create unique and visually stunning websites that reflect your brand and vision.

Another advantage of Divi is its large library of pre-made templates and modules. These templates can save you time and effort by providing a starting point for your design, while the modules allow you to add functionality to your website with ease.

You will have control over everything down to the finest detail. Create the perfect websites for you and your clients. These details are the reason that Divi is better than Astra.

Get started with Divi today,

Let’s start exploring.

Both Divi and Astra are well-known themes that give you high-quality and customized options to make your website better than before.

🚀Divi vs Astra: Quick Expert Summary

When it comes to WordPress themes, there are two main camps: those that are highly customizable and those that are designed to be used as-is.

Divi falls into the first category. With Divi, you have complete control over the look and feel of your website. Need to create a custom header? No problem.

Want to change the colors or fonts? That’s easy too. If you’re the type of person who likes to tinker with things until they’re just right, Divi is definitely worth considering.

Astra, on the other hand, is designed to be used “out of the box.” In other words, it comes with a pre-designed layout that can be customized to some extent, but not as much as Divi.


If you’re looking for a theme that doesn’t require a lot of tweaking, Astra might be a good option. However, if you want complete control over your website’s design, Divi is probably a better choice.

Both Divi vs Astra offers ample customization options, but they go about it in different ways. Divi uses a “drag and drop” interface that lets you rearrange elements on your pages however you see fit.

Astra takes a more traditional approach, allowing you to change things like colors and fonts from within the
Astra WordPress Customizer. Which approach you prefer is really a matter of personal preference.

No matter which WordPress theme you choose—Divi or Astra—you’ll be able to create a beautiful website that suits your needs.

The important thing is to take some time to explore the options and find the one that’s right for you. Whichever theme you choose, we wish you all the best in your journey toward creating an amazing WordPress website!

Why Choose Divi Over Astra?

  • It’s easy to make a website that looks professional and has a personal touch that leads to a lot of sales.
  • You will have full power over the style of your business website, which will help you build a loyal following.
  • To customize Divi, it’s easy to get rid of the sidebar, change the logo, add Google Maps, and change the bottom.
  • With tools like Monarch and Popup option, Bloom, it’s easy to make your website more interesting.
  • You don’t need to use heavy third-party tools because their Divi builder has everything you need.
  • It has a split test method to get the best results, which is something Astra doesn’t have.

With a special deal, you can get the Divi theme for free for life. Check out my in-depth Divi review to find out why it is so valuable.

Why Go With Astra Than Divi?

  • Compared to Divi, Astra is a lightweight theme that is designed for speed.
  • You will get easy-to-use customization choices and the freedom to choose the page maker you like best.
  • Even with the free version of Astra, it’s more likely to make websites that stand out. Divi doesn’t have a free version.
  • With tools like LifterLMS or LearnDash, this WP theme is best for making online course websites that don’t have too many distractions.
  • The blog layouts, unique layouts, site layouts, global design choices, and Header & Footer designs are all great ways to build interesting websites that will attract loyal readers.

Here is a complete comparison between Divi vs Astra. Let’s see which one is better for your usage:

Divi Overview

Divi is a multi-purpose flagship WordPress theme from Elegant Themes with more than 6,00,000 active installations. 

This theme is a paid one and has only one version. It comes with prebuilt content and tools to make your website project ready.

You can create any kind of website through this theme. Divi offers you to access everything it possesses plus it offers you a few other themes Elegant Themes too. Amazing, isn’t it?

Divi Overview- Divi vs Astra

🔥Get Started With Divi Theme Now

Owing to one version only, it becomes easy to handle and work with.

  • The Divi page builder is a visual, drag-and-drop tool.
  • The Divi Builder also lets you build themes visually by drag-and-drop
  • There are a lot of choices in real-time WordPress Customizer
  • A thorough section for theme changes in the back end of WordPress

You can customize every detail of its appearance and work function through the visual interface. It offers you out-of-the-box themes. 

It acts as a theme builder and comes with page templates, user-friendly UI, a settings panel, a role editor many others down the line.

Divi supports more than 32 languages, making it a global theme. The complete package of Divi is for everyone from freelancers to website owners.

It has WordPress-based layouts that suit any niche including tech, health, beauty, business, eCommerce, and plenty more.

Divi has a WYSIWYG page builder for visual and real-time editing. There are two extra plugins- Bloom and Monarch. 

Key Features:

  • Visual page builder for posts and pages that you can drag and drop.
  • Headers, footers, and templates can be added to a theme by dragging and dropping. This feature is built in.
  • Multipurpose.
  • The WordPress Customizer settings for a theme (or, you can use Divi to build everything).
  • 271 layout packs that can be imported (basically pre-built demo websites).
  • Compatible with WooCommerce.
  • With the Divi Builder, there is A/B testing built in.
  • Comes both as a theme and as a plugin.

Astra Overview

If you are looking for a multipurpose theme that is free and minimal, your search ends here. This performance-oriented theme offers well integrations with its add-ons. 

This open-source theme was developed on Github in 2017, so any of you can contribute. Astra was built following AA level standards and WCAG 2. O makes it accessibility-ready.

Astra Overview -Divi vs Astra

It is rated 95% by Google developers. With more than 6,00,000 customers to date, the theme can be enhanced through the Astra pro license and premium add-on plugin.

No matter whether you choose, you will get free access to the library of prebuilt content.  It is to note that upgrading unlocks more numbers of content and extra features as well for your website.

You get a bare theme at first on which you can put any elements of your choice. Both versions of Astra provide you with third-party page builders for better customization of your content.

It is compatible most prominently with Brizy, Beaver Builder, and Elementor.

Key features of Astra:

  • has a free version.
  • There are no jQuery dependencies and the file size is less than 50 KB.
  • 230+ sites built with the block editor, Elementor, and Beaver Builder that can be imported.
  • The real-time WordPress Customizer gives you a lot of options for style and layout.
  • Controls at the page level can help you work with page builder plugins.
  • Compatibility with WooCommerce and special settings.
  • LifterLMS and LearnDash have special integrations that let you make online courses.
🔥Get Started With Astra Theme Now

Features – Divi vs Astra

It’s hard to compare the features of each theme side by side, mostly because they’re two different WordPress themes. Let me explain:

Divi is all about giving you the whole package right away, including everything you could ever need. You don’t need to use any other tools or run anything else besides the Divi theme to make your perfect website.

Astra is all about efficiency and simplicity, and so it is also all about minimalism. Out of the box, all you get is a simple style that needs to be set up and a few extra modules from Astra and other companies before it looks the way you want it to.

Neither way is worse or better than the other. They’re just not the same. Both have good and bad points:

The best thing 👍 about Divi is that you get everything right away. The biggest downside is that you might not need most of that stuff, and it can slow down your site.

The best thing about Astra is that it is fast and well-designed. The worst thing is that you have to choose each part of the site yourself (by turning on each section). Another benefit is that you don’t have to keep features you don’t use, which speeds up your site.

So, with both styles, you can pretty much get to the same place. The major difference is the way you get there.

User Experience

I think it could be more helpful to go over what it’s like to develop a WordPress website using both Divi and Astra rather than trying to compare every nitty-gritty function in the abstract. This is because trying to compare every feature is like trying to compare apples to oranges.

Divi-vs Astra-User-Experience

This part will be kept at a high level, but it should highlight the several approaches that can be taken.


There are three primary approaches to working with the Divi theme, which is as follows:

The visual builder that uses a drag-and-drop interface is called the Divi Builder. You can use it to design not only the text of your website but also the header, footer, and any other templates you might need.

You’ll spend the majority of your time working in the Divi Builder, and you can get a feel for it by trying out a demo right here.

  • Theme Customizer 

To exercise control over the Divi theme, you will make use of the theme-wide Customizer. It’s possible that, now that Divi Theme Builder is available, you won’t find as much need for this and will instead choose to make your templates using the builder.

Options for the Divi Theme This is an additional area in which you can adjust options for the Divi theme that are not included in the Customizer.

You won’t be spending too much time in this location. You have two options at your disposal as of Divi 4.0 for controlling the fundamental appearance of the theme you are using.

To begin, you could customize the Divi theme through its settings by using the WordPress Customizer, which is the “standard” method (and how you control most WordPress themes, including Astra).

  • Options for the Divi Theme

However, beginning with version 4.0, Divi also comes with complete support for developing themes.

The visual, drag-and-drop Divi Builder gives you the ability to design your theme’s templates when you use the theme-building feature.

If you navigate to Divi > Theme Builder, you will see that you have the ability to “override” many of the options that are found in the WordPress Customizer by adding your own templates.

That is to say, you have the ability to create your own header template that serves as a replacement for the header that you customized using the Theme Customizer:

  • Theme constructor for Divi

When you are creating your header, you have the option of using dedicated modules in order to incorporate crucial components.

For instance, the Menu module gives you the ability to enter the navigation menu that you configure by going to the Appearance menu and selecting Menus.

Theme constructor for Divi

  • Divi Builder

You may also utilize the Divi Builder for posts and pages on your website.

You will get access to hundreds of Layout Packs, which are essentially thematic collections of website templates that may be used to assist in the development of a whole website. Importable demo sites are basically what these are, but with Divi.

For instance, the style pack for a website about a gym would include templates for things like the following:

And with that, you now have the extremely condensed version of what it’s like to develop a website using WordPress using the Divi theme.


The absence of Astra’s very own page builder contributes to a user experience that is somewhat simpler and more streamlined.

After you have installed the theme, you can access all of Astra’s demo sites by downloading the accompanying Starter Templates plugin from the website and installing it.

You will start by selecting the content editor that best suits your needs. This editor will be used to create each and every piece of material that appears on the demonstration website. You can do one of the following:

  • Astra starting locations

When you import a demo site, you have the option of importing either the complete site together with all of the Customizer settings or just the settings themselves. You also have the option to import only certain sections of the demo site.

You will use the real-time WordPress Customizer in order to make modifications to the Astra theme itself:

Options are available with the Astra Customizer. If you purchase Astra Pro, you will have access to a plethora of additional customization possibilities.

Last but not least, if you imported the demo material, you will be able to modify it using the editor that you chose.

For instance, if you select the Gutenberg templates, the native WordPress block editor that comes with WordPress may be used to make all of your edits.

Again, if you want to add visual drag-and-drop page construction and/or theme creation to Astra, you will need to couple it with a separate WordPress page builder plugin. This is because Astra does not have these features.

Customising Your Website

Over the last few years, WordPress themes have changed in how they are put together, and many of their features have moved to page builders instead. This includes things like layouts, ready-made patterns, and the ability to change headers, footers, and other parts.


This is shown well by Divi Theme. Elegant Themes sells Divi Theme as an all-in-one WordPress theme, but Divi Builder has most of the features.

Instead, Divi Theme was made to be a fresh slate for Divi Builder. Take, for example, the Divi Theme Builder, which is part of the Divi Builder. It lets you put the same header, body, and footer on different parts of your page. This tool works well because of how simple the Divi Theme is.

Settings for the Divi Theme Builder Template: The Divi theme works well with the WordPress theme customizer. It lets you change your header, menus for browsing, fonts, styles, buttons, and more.

Divi Builder, Divi Library, and Divi Theme Builder are still used to change most of the style settings. The main options are for Divi has dozens of sets to choose from.

From this area, you can turn on and off Divi Builder for certain post types, change the settings for navigation, change the style settings for a single post or page, and more.

Divi also has a job editor for more complex tasks. This can be used to tell WordPress user groups which Divi tools they can use.


In contrast to Divi, all settings and customization choices for Astra are found in the WordPress theme customizer. This is a good choice because you can see changes as they happen, but the setup needs to be fixed.

On the Astra settings page, there are links to important parts of the WordPress theme customizer and to pages with help.

You can also turn on suggested plugins and Astra Pro modules on the options page. The authors of Astra have kept the core theme simple.

This means that you have to use plugins like Astra Bulk Edit, Astra Widgets, Astra Customizer Reset, and Import/Export Customizer Settings to change important settings.

You need to turn on the Starter Templates WordPress tool in order to import website designs that have already been made.

To use Astra Pro’s extra features, you must first start the Astra Pro WordPress plugin and then turn on the features you want from the main Astra Pro options page.

Astra Pro adds different website and blog layouts, a custom layout system, a deeper connection with WooCommerce, mega menus, page headers, and more.

Astra vs Divi Theme Options

In this part, we’re going to compare the interfaces for setting up both themes. We’re talking about the “Options” page, where you can change features and settings.

Let’s dive in!

Astra Options

Go to Astra > Dashboard to see the choices for Astra. On this page, you can control modules, which are basically the parts of the theme that you can turn on and off.

With Astra 4.0, there is a brand-new dashboard that lets you handle everything about the theme, such as turning features on or off, installing Starter Templates, and other dependencies.

The dashboard page is divided into sensible sections: Quick Settings, Astra Pro Modules, Astra Integrations, and Your License.

Each gives you quick access to the settings you need to add or turn on or off settings based on your needs.

There are also quick links to different customizer settings.

Divi Options

The settings for Divi can be found in the admin sidebar menu.

In recent changes, the dashboard hasn’t changed much, which we think is a good thing. It still has that familiar feel we like, with all the choices in a main window that are controlled by tabs.

At first, there is a lot to learn, but once you get the hang of it, working with Divi is easy.

Unlike Astra, Divi’s theme choices can be hard to figure out at first because there are so many things you can change.

For example, there are SEO options that, while simple, should be more than enough for your site’s basic SEO needs, so you don’t have to add a separate plugin for that.

We won’t talk about every single choice here, but we will give you an idea of what you can change.

Astra vs Divi: Some Advantages 

Comparing the features of each theme is difficult, owing to the fact that they are two completely different WordPress themes. Allow me to explain:

Divi is all about giving you the whole package — everything you could possibly need — right away. You can build your ideal website without using any other tools or installing anything other than the Divi theme itself.

Astra is all about performance and simplicity, which translates into minimalism. What you get out of the box is just a simple theme that needs some tweaking and a couple of extra modules from Astra and third parties to look the way you want it to.

Divi vs Astra: Using the Themes

In this section, we’ll examine each theme’s user interface and overall simplicity of use — that is, how difficult it is to get these themes to perform what you want them to accomplish.

Divi - Using the Themes

First and foremost, these are traditional WordPress themes in terms of installation: Simply download the ZIP file (in the case of Divi) or locate it in the WordPress directory (in the case of Astra) and install it like any other theme.

Furthermore, if you want to utilize Astra Pro, it installs as an add-on plugin on top of the theme. The first thing you’ll notice after activating either theme is that they don’t look like anything out of the box.

Page Builders

Both Divi and Astra can be customized using a powerful drag-and-drop builder tool that enables you to edit the content or create a unique website on WordPress from scratch. 

Both have a difference in the page builder functionality.


Divi Page Builder

Divi has a visual editor that is produced by Elegant Themes just like the main theme.

You can customize the content using the Drag and Drop visual editor on the Divi Builder page or existing template. This is a huge upgrade in the world of WordPress editing experience.

You can create layouts of rows and columns and populate them with the selection modules present in WordPress.

You can customize almost everything related to Divi. It is up to you whether you want to keep it in a default state or need some changes!


Astra does not have an in-house page builder tool but relies on other page builders.

For example, Astra Demo sites and templates in those sites have been built with third-party builder plugins and Gutenberg (the upgraded version).

Astra - Page Builder

The only problem is that you can edit some templates with specific page builders like a starter site that can be edited with Elementor.

The team is working to create versions of all available templates that go well with the four-page builders.

To be precise

Divi split testing tools can help you optimize your website and the content it has for better conversion rates. 

Divi theme builder allows you to create custom headers, footers, and other parts of the website outside the page or post using the visual editor. 

Though the Astra theme allows you to access some of these functionalities and lets you edit the website as a whole, it is clear that Divi gives a higher level of creative freedom. 

While using Astra, you need to learn the uses of third-party builders that make it slightly complicated to use. Divi is more powerful than Astra.

On the contrary, if you are familiar with Astra page builder tools, you will start editing without any delay. For WordPress, both Divi and Astra with third-party plugins are the best editors.

The winner is Divi here as it is more powerful than the Astra theme and its builders combined.

Customer Support

Both Divi and Astra have lots of rich-quality resources to make your website an ideal one. You will find documentation, videos, and tutorials to tell you about the features.

Astra support

You can go to the Facebook groups for both themes.

If you are a Divi license holder you can contact the Elegant themes support through the live chat system. Or you can open an email ticket.

The free version holders of Astra can enquire on the support forums and active license holders can contact via the email help desk.

To connect with Divi users, you can attend meetings.

Divi surpasses Astra in this case because it has a huge community and good support. 

Divi vs Astra: How To Install


Divi Astra

You can easily install this theme like any other theme on WordPress.

  • After paying for the theme, go to the developer’s website which is Elegant themes, and download Divi from there.
  • After downloading, navigate to the WordPress dashboard.
  • Click on Themes.
  • Select Add New.
  • Upload the theme from where it has been saved.
  • Click on Install Now> Activate.

You have installed the Divi theme and activated it on your website.

You can find the free Astra version in the WordPress themes directory. You should upgrade your account to get a premium version and explore more creativity.
  • Navigate to the appearance in the WordPress dashboard.
  • Visit Themes.
  • Type and Search ‘Astra’.
  • Click on the install button.
  • Activate the Theme.

You have to download the zipped theme file and upload it from your dashboard in case of direct purchase from the developer’s website.

The installation is easy for both themes so no comparison on this point.

A/B Testing Performance


Divi - A:B Testing Performance

The Divi theme provides a split-testing system through which anyone can test their page designs, contents, templates, and whatnot. 

To get access to the split test option, right-click on any element from the page builder and select the split option.


astra ab testing

Unfortunately, the Astra theme doesn’t offer a split test option. You can test Astra templates and demos through top builders.

For instance, Elementor has an A/B testing plugin. You can choose an Astra demo site or template that works well with Elementor.

You can carry out the same A/B testing conveniently.

Divi is a win-win category here because it offers a testing system without any third-party page builder. 



Divi Templates

Divi library has 100+ demo sites and 1000+ templates which gives you huge options to select, save, and get them individually. 

You can choose from the 13 categories and view a live demo as well.


The page builders have more than 100-page templates same as the demo sites.

The total number of templates from the four-page builders is 1000+. You need to sort through the templates list to get the one you want that is compatible with the page builder. 



Divi Size

It weighs not more than 9 MB. The page builder weighs around 6 MB. Both themes count up to 15 MB.


Astra is a feather-light WordPress theme. The file is 1 MB in size. To be precise, it is not more than 998 kb which makes Astra the lightest theme.

It works efficiently for other server resources in less than 50 kb.


When you consider the speed load to take into account, there is no competition between the two as Astra wins here with a good margin.

When you take starter sites into account, both the themes work almost the same here.

There is not much difference in their performances. Both are performing out of the box if you compare the paid plans of the themes.

Test #1: Empty Theme and “Hello world!”

Page Size HTTP Requests Median Page Load

Divi 395 KB 20 0.848 s

Astra 42 KB 8 0.427 s

Test #2: Imported Starter Sites

Page Size HTTP Requests Median Page Load

Divi 1.452 MB 27 1.472 s

Astra 1.520 MB 60 1.507 s

If you like to get things done easily without much interference, Divi is for you. If you can manage to do it yourself, save some bucks, and want your website to load faster, Astra will be a fairer selection out of the two. 

Divi Bulk Edit

Colleagues who have been designing websites for many years recall how we would continuously repeat the same actions. If you had six blocks whose appearance you wished to alter, you had to put in six times the normal amount of effort.

Because Divi now has a feature called Bulk Edit, which allows users to make changes to multiple blocks at once, this step is no longer required.

Drop Shadows For Divi.

It is no longer necessary to use Photoshop in order to produce shadows for photos. Not only is Photoshop an extremely pricey program, but using its Drop Shadows also takes a great deal more time than using Divi.

Another advantage is that the original image is preserved completely, and any extra styles or adjustments to the shadow that may be required can be made at a later time.

The Astra Online Stores

Astra is built to increase the number of sales generated by your shop and the number of conversions it achieves. Simply put, creating an online store with Astra is a lot quicker than doing it with any other theme.

Not only will your customers appreciate a website that loads quickly, but so will search engines like Google.

This moves your store up higher in the search results page (SERP) on Google, which in turn draws more customers. Because of this, the number of people who frequent your site and their admiration for it both expand rapidly.

Astra Schema Mark-up

Schema is brief pieces of information that the search engines would like us to provide on our sites in order to provide them with a clearer picture of what is contained on those pages.

If you do so, your website will be displayed more prominently in search results, which will be your reward. Astra will take care of adding Schema markup to your web pages automatically for you.

Divi vs Astra: Pros & Cons

Pros Cons

  • In-built page builder
  • Less SEO-friendly

  • Highly responsive to any device.
  • Fewer integrations with builders

  • Easy installation process.
  • No free version is available.

  • A/B testing is available.

  • WooCommerce compatibility.

  • 100+ demo sites are available.

  • 24/7 support and proper documentation

  • Add-ons

  • You get everything in a huge number.


Pros Cons

  • Easy to install.
  • No A/B testing system.

  • WooCommerce support.
  • No native page builder.

  • Any device is responsive.
  • More integrations.

  •  Third-party connections

  • Extremely SEO-friendly

  • Feather-like lightweight (around 1 MB)

  • 100+ demo sites are available.

  • 1000+ page templates to edit.

  • Free version to use.

  • 24/7 support.

Divi vs Astra: Comparison Table

Divi Astra

A WordPress theme that can be used for many different things and lets you change every aspect of how it looks and how it works through a visual user interface. A minimal, performance-focused WordPress theme that can be used for many different things. It works well with both Astra’s own add-ons and third-party page builders and tools.

Full package—the theme comes with everything you need right out of the box. Minimal: You get a theme with no extra parts, and then you can add whatever you want.

Comes with its own page builder (Divi Builder), pre-made page templates,
and a whole starter site package.
It also has a user-friendly interface, a theme settings panel,
a role editor, onboarding tutorials, and two extra plugins (Bloom, Monarch). Comes with compatibility with third-party page builders
(most notably Elementor, Beaver Builder, and Brizy),
starter sites that are already set up, an easy-to-use interface,
a theme settings panel, and extensions that can be installed.

Price Comparison: Divi vs Astra


There is no free version of Divi and no free trial. You can go by paying an annual subscription or a one-time fee as you like. 

Divi Pricing -Divi vs Astra

  • The annual plan of $89 gives you product updates and constant support for one year.
  • The one-time payment plan of $249 gives you lifetime support and product updates.

Both plans give you access to Elegant Themes products like Bloom, Monarch, Extra, and multiple ready-made packs of websites.

🔥Get Started With Divi Theme Now

It offers unlimited website usage with a 30-day money-back guarantee. We’ll start with webshops because they’re so popular. Here’s a video showing how Divi’s Woocommerce-Builder works. A decent theme has fantastic options for creating a webshop, and Divi is no exception.

Using the WooBuilder and WooModules, the theme provides a plethora of options for customizing product and category pages. View all 229 different Divi-demos here (1685 templates). These are insane figures!

The Divi demo library contains a plethora of beautiful shop layouts that you can add to your project with a single click. Complete shop styling is a piece of cake with the WooBuilder.


The best thing about the pricing of Astra is that it offers a free plan and upgrading is also cheaper. Let’s have a glimpse of the pricing features.

Astra Pricing -Divi vs Astra

  • Astra pro costs you $47 per year or $249 as a one-time payment.
  • Mini agency bundle costs you $169 per year or $499 as a one-time payment.
  • The Agency bundle costs you $249 per year or $699 as a one-time payment.

The pro plans have accessible features such as extra layouts, white labeling, WooCommerce integrations, new nav menus, headers and footers, typography models, etc.

You get a starter package of the site depending on the pricing tier. You get constant support and updates until the duration of the subscription ends.

It comes with unlimited website usage and a 14-day money-back guarantee. The higher package gives access to ultimate add-ons for Builder and Elementor, WP portfolio.

🔥Get Started With Astra Theme Now


Both Divi and Astra provide you with the roughly same number of designs that you can import with just a few clicks. You don’t need to be a master in coding or design.

The quality is good in both themes. The starter sites are modern and optimized for mobile viewing. Both of them cover popular niches and look incredible. Have a look at the designs of the Divi and Astra website packs. 

Yearly Vs Lifetime Licenses

You will have access to theme updates, customer support, and any new features or items that are added while your license is active if you choose the yearly option for either Divi or Astra.

You have the option to either continue using the theme even after the year has passed without access to theme updates or support, or you can renew your license.

Both themes come with a lifetime licensing option, which can be purchased for a one-time charge and serves as an alternative to yearly renewals.

Money-back Guarantees

If, after reading this comparison, you are still unsure which option is best for you, both of these themes give you the option to buy them without taking any risks.

When you purchase from Divi, you have the option of a 30-day, risk-free, money-back guarantee, while when you purchase from Astra, you only have a 14-day guarantee.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): 

✅ Is there any upgrade recently in any of the two?

The article is written in August 2020 and everything mentioned here is the latest.

💥Divi takes more loading time. Does it need good storage in the PC to handle it?

No. Nothing as such. It is not as fast as Astra but it doesn’t mean it eats up a lot of storage.

👉How long can we use the free version of Astra?

As long as it goes good with you. If you are satisfied with the features, don't bother to purchase new ones. They don't insist you upgrade the versions again and again. At times, a soft reminder is sent to you.


Also Read:

  • Divi vs Wix
  • Divi Theme vs Divi Builder
  • Divi vs Elementor
  • Divi vs Beaver Builder

Conclusion: Divi vs Astra 2023 | Who Is The Winner?

Hope this article can clear your doubts and guide you. We tried our best to give accurate information to help you choose the best out of the two.

We have explained every possible aspect that could be discussed. In some cases, Divi surpasses Astra while in other cases Astra wins over Divi.

We suggest you not get confused between the two.

Everything written in the article is well-researched and time-tested. Our motive is not to promote or demote any brand/company. 

🔥Get Started With Divi Theme Now 🔥Get Started With Astra Theme Now

You may choose any of the two at your convenience as both have unique features and a huge number of users worldwide.

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