
Divi Theme Layouts 2023: The Ultimate Guide To Theme Layout Packs

Posted on the 21 August 2023 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

Read here our ultimate guide on Divi Theme Layouts & Best Divi layouts in 2023.

It takes weeks, if not months, of research and practice to make a website look the way you envisioned it. It takes even longer, sometimes, to understand aesthetics, understand color, and understand how the two interact to lure your customers and viewers to your place on the World Wide Web.

In this process, again, you will keep finding details you missed earlier, colors that look abrupt rather than calming. You may find a picture that has the opposite effect than what you intended.

You could change your mind, or be at the receiving end of contradicting feedback from your coworkers and superiors. We have already done a detailed review of the Divi Theme. Rollover to check the Divi Theme Review complete here.

What does this all mean? 

It means that change is inevitable, and good ideas sometimes cannot survive inexperience. It also means that it goes a very long way to invest in a website maker that not only offers themes, layouts, and modules but also has a program that allows for the editing and addition of details.

Furthermore, does this without ruining the entire website, and without compromising on your ideas for how you want your website to look. Don’t resign yourself to a design that’s is mediocre, and instead, trust your vision to carry itself. 

Equip yourself with all the tools at your disposal, not just some. Allow yourself to focus on you, and your work, and not on work someone, or something else can do for you.

Read on to learn more about Divi Theme Layouts.

About Divi Theme Layouts

Divi Overview- Divi Theme Layouts

Divi Den, previously known as Yeah Can, is a company specializing in the design and development of websites and web pages. The early stages of the company offered coding specialists, design, and tech support, but it was not sustainable to do so on a low budget. 

A solution to this was the usage of a UI kit. A UI kit is a toolbox containing all the elements needed to build a website, including progress bars, footers and headers, buttons, and even checkboxes, all for better user interface design.

UI kits were not well known in the earlier stages, but they proved to be incredibly useful in prototyping and website design. 

Divi is not simply a WordPress theme, it’s an entirely new website, creating a platform that restores the standard WordPress post editor with a highly reputed visual editor. It can be experienced by persons specialized in designing and newcomers just the same.

Divi Theme Layouts are part of the UI kit, with a mix and match type design function, to increase productivity and offer more creative design and tactics to increase viewership, while showing professionalism and theme. 

What is the Layout?

A layout is a pre-made page that you could load from a software builder, their library, or their website. For example, in this scenario, a Divi Theme Layout would have its own predefined set of modules with rows, sections, and pages that you could access over their website, existing library, or Divi builder.

Each of their layouts is a package that aims at a specific area and ensures you get a set of 6-9 page templates that you could work on. 

They are 100% free and you could use them for personal as well as commercial purposes. In consideration of Divi Layouts, Elegant Themes ensure that they release a new layout package every week so that you could load it over Divi builder

This usually gives an advantage in terms of having flexibility and options for customizations that you would require for specific arenas and an advantage over the pricing point.

How Can It Help You?

  • With a platform like Divi Theme Layout, they enable you to save your designs’ elements of the complete layout on their library.
  • The items that they provide are easily accessible, edited, or can be re-used on different pages, making it convenient and helps you to save time.
  • Over 800+ templates with quick access and instant customizations would help you create a website from scratch or save time by using premium pre-stored templates from the library.
  • User-friendly platform with an amazing user interface that makes it easier for you to navigate through your requirements.

Steps To Importing Divi Layouts

You could follow the following steps to import Divi Layout:

  1. For starters, you should use Divi with their active membership to import their layout.
  2. The next step is to create a page and choose the Visual builder, depending on the option closer to your convenience.
  3. Backend Builder section > Premade Layouts


Visual builder > Settings Bar > ‘+’ option > Premade Layouts

  1. You could browse the layout packages along with the page layout.

And if there is a layout that you liked, you could go ahead and use the template by clicking ‘Use this Template’

Preview Divi Layouts

One major advantage of the Divi Theme Layout is the fact that they ensure regular updates of a new layout pack, every week by Elegant Themes on the Divi Builder. They are full website template options that consist of stock images, graphics, and features that would build a complete website for your catering to the requirements of individuals that are 100% free of cost.

This page could be easy access for you to preview each of the designs of the website layout package chosen.

Type of Divi Theme Layouts: 

Library pack- Divi layout packs

  • Blog Layout

Being a blogger is not easy, especially if you are just starting.

This is a layout that is specifically created for bloggers where you would want to create a Divi website that functions primarily as a blog or a normal website that has a blog included where Divi ensures the creation of a website quick and easy with the specification of a blog module and Theme Builder templates.

  • With the Divi Blog Module feature, you can create your blog page designed for your posts.
  • Using the Divi Theme Builder feature, you have the advantage of creating templates customized for your posts.
  • Divi Theme Builder feature can also be used for displaying various other aspects including category, tag, and archive pages.

To save time or if you are looking at a page that can be set quickly, you could use the pre-made templates to get the page running in a few minutes.

  • About Layout 

To create an informative and useful page for your visitors, Divi About Page layout could be used to help build a website that could frame an outline with the key details of your business ensuring you get the necessary information across in an attractive manner.

This could be getting across various aspects like goals, mission and vision statement, philosophy, etc. Or the history and the story of starting the business. Getting your business leaders and your keynote employees working with you could also be an important aspect that your visitors might be looking at where this layout could help you with.

  • Agency Layout 

They are a beautiful choice when it comes to having an agency layout mainly because of the attractive features that they have to offer. Divi ensures a high-quality product that can be easily set up and customize as much or as little as possible.

There are about 8-10 premium layouts that you could choose from and add as much or as little as you would want. You could either enhance the pre-set designs or you could create from a scratch depending on time and how fast you want the website put up.

  • Catering Layout 

This is an industry that is growing in the market currently and Divi is doing a wonderful job by creating templates that are modern and clean designs with high-quality images to suit your requirements.

They are equipped with 7 different layout packages that you could choose from giving you the flexibility of customizations.

  • Construction Layout 

Divi alongside Elegant themes has done a commendable task by getting a powerful set of templates as this is something that will do a brilliant job of promoting your construction business on an online platform.

They have gotten a platter of modern designs helping you to boost your reputation with the addition of a portfolio and a project page that can give you immunity to showcase your next move.

  • Driving School Layout 

This template is specifically a Divi Design initiative where it is brought to you by Elegant Themes to cater to the website requires that will have a website running in no time with stunning designs and templates that you can choose from depending on the aesthetics that you would want to match.

Divi theme layout packs- Divi themes

  • Event Layout 

Being one of the most buzzing template packages, it is one of the most exciting layout sets that would get you on your feet with stunning designs that you could use for promoting events/shows, scheduling events, and much more.

You could also add in a dedicated feature of a pricing page for Event registrations.

  • Foodies Layout 

This could be one of the most favorite layouts that you can find if you are using the Divi Platform as they would pamper you with a variety of features that you could choose from for your website. You could easily import the template that you have created on to your Divi Library through the Divi Builder.

  • Coaching Layout

Academics being the largest arenas, you could use this layout theme if you are looking at creating a website in this niche.

They have provided with a user friendly, easy to build a layout that will get you going in no time with a buffet of templates that you could customize are create from.

  • Architect Firm Layout

Architecture is the interaction between math and art, logic and creativity, and it is the midway point between, literally, fashion and function. Therefore, it is no stretch to assume that the website that represents all this is reflective of the previously mentioned aesthetic values.

The primary colors of this layout are black, white, and gold, implying clarity, minimalist overtones, without sacrificing beauty. Subtle and elegant animation, along with the eight free pages in this layout, allows this pack to be extremely professional and lets it speaks for itself.

  • Boutique Store Layout 

Boutiques are classy and luxurious. The website representing them must be as much, if not more so. In mixing the past with the future, this layout boasts vintage design and colors, without removing from its polished format.

Customizable, with an about page, a contact page, and five more places to showcase your store, make your site as beautiful as your products.

  • Real Estate Layout 

Real Estate, the business that gives people their homes, is one that needs to be modern and trend-setting. The free layout contains everything you need in a real estate website, from landing pages, to showcase listings and more.

The layout revolves around light colors that are easy on the eyes and allows images to stand out. It combines simplicity with knowledge and helps viewers find the perfect space for their needs.

  • Pharmacy/Chemist

Their pharmacy department offers two free and brands new Divi layout packs WEEKLY!

There is no better solution to make your chemist/pharmacy business thrive online.

Get to grow your business swiftly and with style as they encourage you with promotional goodies as well.

  • Wedding Planners

Working in a business that helps couples in love plan one of the most memorable days of their lives? Divi theme layout will help you communicate with a stressed out bride, most efficiently.

By using the assortment of templates offered, help the two people decide everything they need for their wedding without any unnecessary stress.

Pros and Cons

As reliable as it promises to be, everything has its perks as well as disadvantages. Listed below are some of the positive as well as negative factors that will help you decide if you want to purchase Divi Themes or not based on your requirements:


  • Off the shelf Layouts at your disposal
  • Flexibility in customizing your website according to your choice.
  • Drag and Drop Visual Page Builder. Page builder with the feature of drag and drop, for visual.
  • It is a piece of cake to use it
  • Braces up to 32 languages
  • Have the freedom to create and use any kind of layout
  • Their secure theme coding is certified by Sucuri


  • Their layouts are functional only as long as Divi is active.
  • It might require some concession time to process all the features
  • It is difficult to relocate to other WordPress themes. 

Quick Links


How to buy in the layout for your Divi website?

To import the layout to your Divi website you will need to draw out the .JSON file from your Zip files. Now download it right after. You download and either import to your Divi library or drag-and-drop the file into your Divi Builder page. You then have two options: 1)Import it to your Divi library Or 2) Use the drag and drop facility to attain it into your Divi Builder page.

How to Come up with a Customized eCommerce epic Menu with Divi’s Theme

There are quite a few ways to design your eCommerce websites. They allow you to set- up templates for your product pages, catalogs, and much more. To ensure your website does well, make sure it is easy for purchasers to surf through it. Convenience is the key. Make sure the page you finally decide to launch is eye-catching yet professional. The menu built by you will assess the customer behavior on your site. Keeping these petty yet important things in mind should be good enough to formulate a mega menu with Divi’s Theme builder.

What are the sizing variations available for Divi page builders?

They most certainly recommend a custom gutter width where dimensions are concerned. Moreover, for the gutter width, the most suitable preference should be 1. Equalizing column heights will do you good. These are some of the suggestions by qualified designers for the customization and variety that the sizing that the Divi Page Builders offer you.


Conclusion: Divi Theme Layouts 2023

The whole is more than the sum of its parts, and this idea, when applied to website creation and design, implies that a website is whatever we need it to be and more. Change is inevitable, but you can also move it to your favor. Change means evolution, and the best kinds of websites and companies evolve with the times, to become as productive as possible.

As long as you know the basics of web design and the tools you have, you can only improve. Divi Theme Layouts offer starting points and hundreds of directions you could take your website in, without removing from your creative processes.

The process it takes to create a website is supposedly very long, but using the layouts the time is cut more than half. It is like giving the outline for an essay, or a blueprint for the construction of a building. When the foundation is already made for you, then you can focus on building and working better and bigger. 

With this, I am sure you are able to appease your curiosity as per the layouts that Divi offers. So without further adieu, I am sure you will check it out!

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