Lifestyle Magazine

Diversity in Weddings-

By Innstilettos
Diversity in Weddings-
 There will be many who say "marry your own kind."  A fascinating statement that always made me giggle just a little.  Aren't we all the same "kind"...human kind?  Sure we are separated by religions, colors, ethnic backgrounds and even what society deems as acceptable in same gender unions.  And, I learned a very valuable lesson last night during a dinner I attended.
Diversity in Weddings-
It is not the diversity in the marriage but the love and acceptance of the family.  Last night, my son, Brandon and I were invited to share in his girlfriend's Passover dinner.  The experience made me reflect about my daughter's upcoming marriage and how much the family plays such an important role.  Around this sweet family table sat Jews, Italians, Irish, Gay, young, older, Catholics and Christians.  Thirteen people in total reflecting a little bit of everything. 
Diversity in Weddings-
The stories of the meaning of Passover were reflective of one group of people but were so significant to the struggles and successes of all people.  And, that love is what holds us all together as "one."
Diversity in Weddings-
It gave me a moment to reflect that while my own daughter has fewer differences in religious background from her fiancé. They grew up in two different homes with different traditions and practices.  They will be making the ultimate oath to one another in June but as two families will be joined we, as the families of these two young people,  need to make an oath to be open minded and rejoice in the differences and appreciate what makes us individuals so that we may encourage the success of their union.  It is easy to get caught up in the flowers and the pretty dress but it is really the commitment that holds the beauty in the day.
Thank you to the Cohen, Wales, and Kimmel families for a lovely evening and an even more valuable lesson that I took away from your very meaningful Passover dinner.
Deborah Stilettos

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