Travel Magazine

Ditka Dash: Here’s Da Game Plan

By Urbanmatter Chicago @UMatterChicago

You’re never a loser until you quit trying. – Da Coach

Let’s face it, when it comes to Chicago sports history, it doesn’t get more iconic than Mike Ditka. We all know and admire the man who still picks the Bears to win every single game regardless of their shoddy defense and non-existent offense.

Still, even with all the respect, you’d still be considered a complete weirdo if you tried to mimic Ditka in real life. Nobody can pull off Da Coach, except Da Coach.

That is, unless you find thousands of people to do it with you.

The (Sorry, Da) Ditka Dash takes this concept and adds an even bigger twist to it, a 5K full of mustache-rocking racers.

Yeah, it’s kind of ridiculous, but that’s what’s the fun in a lame ol’ 5K? We’ll take Da Coach’s version any day of the week. Here are some of the highlights:

When & Where

Location: Soldier Field (duh)

Date: Saturday, October 3rd

Time:   Wave 1 – 8 am

Wave 2 – 9 am

Wave 3 – 10 am

The Miller Lite Mustache Bash

After sweating out last night’s polish sausage during the race, you’ll have a chance to replenish yourself at the Miller Lite Mustache Bash. Grab a cigar, jam out to the tunes, and take goofy pics.

Just try not to soak your ‘stache in beer.

Ditka-Pede Division

We know what you’re thinking… what the hell is a Ditka-pede?

With the “No Ditka Left Behind” mantra in full swing, your team will have the option of competing in the race while connected to each other. How are you connected? Well… that’s up to you, and teams are encouraged to use their creative Ditka noggins to think up some solid solutions.

Polish Sausage Dinner with Ditka

The Ditka Dash Charity plays a large part in the event, and a portion of the proceeds benefits the Special Olympics Chicago. The first 50 participants to raise $1,000 toward the cause are granted admission for themselves and a guest to eat polish sausage and drink beer with Mike Ditka. Yes, seriously.

See more, get all the advanced details, and register at

Photo Credit: Ditka Dash

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