A video of a mother forcing her child to get a tattoo went viral over the weekend. In the video, the toddler is held by his mother (allegedly) while a tattoo artist brands his young body. The toddler is heard crying profusely in opposition.
There is still much information unknown. There is no confirmation that indeed the woman in the video is his mother. Some sources say the video was filmed in Havana, Cuba and is of a three-year-old boy. Another source says that the people involved are a part of the cult Growing in Grace International Ministry. The child was reportedly being branded with the mark of the cult: “666.”
No matter the whereabouts or the reason this video is extremely disturbing. The child does not want the tattoo. I think this is a form of child abuse. The child should be taken away from the “mother.”
I read some comments online and some people wrote that she should be able to do whatever she wants. They don’t see the difference between a tattoo and piercings. I see the difference. Do you?
What do you think?
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