Entertainment Magazine

Disney Dinner and a Movie: ‘Dumbo’

Posted on the 07 October 2013 by House Of Geekery @houseofgeekery

Dumbo is one of those Disney classics that will oftentimes make people nostalgic. I’m not personally a big fan of this film, partly because I can’t handle how sad some scenes are and partly because it reminds me of real-life animals being tortured in circuses today, but regardless I recognize it for being a well-made film. Some of the scenes are completely iconic (pink elephants!) and many people enjoy revisiting this classic. Whether it’s crying over Dumbo’s mom or singing along to Casey Jr., Dumbo is definitely one of the most recognizable of Disney’s animated creations.poste

For a Dumbo themed snack I decided to go with the idea of circus food. Since I’ve never been to the circus (see my aforementioned idea about their treatment of animals) I used the many local carnivals I’ve been to as inspiration. To have the perfect balance of salty and sweet I made popcorn and cotton candy. Okay, I bought the cotton candy because I didn’t have a machine but I have made it myself in the past and it’s fun to do if you ever get the chance to use someone’s machine. Of course I had to make it pink to match Dumbo’s famous pink elephant scene. And the popcorn looked great in these cute plastic containers we found at the store. This is a fun and easy way to experience a bit of carnival at home.


For my meal I made something I had been wanting to try for a long time: a nut loaf. My reasoning being that elephants are known to be fond of peanuts. I know the idea of a nut loaf doesn’t necessarily make one’s mouth water (I didn’t have high hopes myself for it) but I was shocked at how absolutely delicious this came out to be. My sister and I (who I want to give a shout-out to since she is always helping me make and eat these recipes, thanks Michelle!) ate the entire thing in one sitting. Even if you’re an avid meat-eater I suggest trying this recipe because it is straight-up delicious. And I loved the sweet glaze we put on top too. You can find the recipe I used here. To make the recipe vegan I substituted apple sauce for the egg and  liked the flavor it added to the loaf. I will most certainly be making this one again.


For dessert I absolutely had to make elephant ears. This is an extremely simple recipe. All you need is frozen pastry sheets and a mix of cinnamon and sugar. The trick is being able to roll them into the specific ear-shape, something I didn’t do too well. I also burnt mine a little bit so be very careful when baking them and check them off. Regardless, they came out entirely edible. I’m not personally a fan of flaky pastries but my friends are and they gobbled them up. This is a great quick and easy recipe to use if you’re bringing baked goods to a party and don’t have that much time.


I wasn’t sure how making a meal for Dumbo would turn out but in the end I think it came out quite well. Carnival food is the perfect fun snack and the nut loaf is now permanently added to my recipe book. The elephant ears were not only very appropriate for the theme but also a big hit as well. Whether you’re a fan of the film or not, I definitely think this is a meal worth making.

Coming Soon: Disney Dinner and a Movie: Hocus Pocus

Check out Disney Dinner and a Movie: Lady and the Tramp

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