The time of end-of-the-year festivities has arrived. To celebrate it, InCompany by Attire Club proposes a captivating and glam-packed issue for this winter.

Covered by Croatian model and writer Dean Pelic, who gave an exclusive interview, this edition of AC's magazine is filled with great inspiration for the season.
There are sparkling inspiration boards dedicated to Christmas and the New Year and a very colorful Mood Diary focusing on beautiful Renaissance costumes. In the interview department, there is not only the Dean Pelic interview, but also a great interview with German watchmaker Stefan Kudoke and a short catch-up questionnaire with Guatemalan designer Juan-Carlos Gordillo.
In the spirit of the holidays, there is a historical look at the development of Santa Claus' image throughout time and, while we are talking about trends, there is also a notebook on conceptual visual trends for the upcoming seasons. In our opinion.
The travel alphabet, has arrived at T and, of course, we are taking a look at Transylvania, which is more than a mythical Hollywood movie land.
In pure Attire Club style, there are also style guides featured in the pages of the issue: suspenders, leather belts and more.
We're also looking at some of the newest things from the fashion world: there is a great piece on digital (or not so digital) runway shows, a look at the 2020 Mille Miglia race sponsored by Chopard, a Current Obsessions roundup centered on Faberge and more. To keep it with the times, there is also a philosophical look at masks (yes, medical masks), their symbolism and meaning in society.
December is the season not just of festivities, but also of parties, so we are taking a close-up look at the ins and outs of clubbing: what are the mechanics of it?
As usual, there is also a cinema section, where we look at the Paris Hilton documentary and more.
Besides all these things, there is a lot more to be discovered in the 20 th issue of our magazine, which is out now!
Fraquoh and Franchomme
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