Spirituality Magazine

Director Chris Stokes Wants To Change The Game In Hollywood

By Firstladyb
Director Chris Stokes Wants To Change The Game In Hollywood

Director Chris Stokes wants to change the game in Hollywood, specifically when it comes to hiring minorities.  The You Got Served  director created the Chris Stokes Movie Training Workshop Experience in Hollywood. Stokes, who is a committed Jehovah Witness, hopes to give opportunities to minorities that desire to be in the film/television industry, but don’t have the resources to do so.

Chris Stokes
“In a field that is predominantly non-minority driven, the Chris Stokes Movie Training Workshop hopes to help change the face of Hollywood. There are so many talented actors, directors, producers, etc. in Hollywood that are minorities and looking for a chance to show their talent,” Stokes said.

Stokes is now actively accepting and reviewing submissions.  If you are interested, go to his website http://chrisstokesent.com/ and click the contact section to send your submission.

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