
Digital WordPress Theme Review 2020 : Best For Digital Marketers

Posted on the 08 September 2020 by Deb007

Looking for a fast loading & beautifully designed best WordPress Theme for your Digital marketing Startup? Then you are in the right place. MyThemeShop has come up with a new Theme, DIGITAL.

Digital Theme is an extremely useful premium WordPress theme. This theme always keeps a website’s content in front of the visitor’s eyes and thus increases traffic and eventually helps to improve the SEO ranking.


  • With the help of the import/export option, users can easily take the backup of their settings.
  • The digital theme is compatible with the WP Review plug-in.
  • It comes with unlimited color and background options.
  • This WordPress theme is translation ready.
  • The digital theme is 100% SEO optimized.
  • It integrates flawlessly with the Elemental Page builder.
  • It comes with an advanced options panel and advanced typography options.
  • The digital theme offers five stylish post layouts.
  • This WordPress theme contains 14 custom widgets.
  • It offers child theme support so users can change their website’s code without worrying about losing the edits in an update.


  • It does not provide a free lifetime customer support facility.
  • The digital theme is slightly expensive.

The digital theme has a modern design and unique layout, which helps to leave a mark on all the visitors who visit the page.  All readers who are planning to use Digital theme on their website in the future must inevitably go through each and every section of this article.

Key Features of Digital Theme

Choosing the right theme for your Digital Marketing business is always crucial. So, you must look for what are the key features and flexibility you are getting with your WordPress theme.

1. Comes with a one-click installer

This is one of the most essential features of the Digital theme. As a result of this feature, users will be able to install this MyThemeshop theme by only applying a single click.

2. Highly Responsive theme

This WordPress theme is exceptionally responsive, so users can easily use this MyThemeshop theme on any device and of any screen size. Due to this reason, the visitors can use desktops, mobiles, or tablets to view content, and also it offers a unified experience across all device sizes.

3. Speed Optimized

In recent times a fast loading website is very much in demand, and hence it is really essential to use a theme that is hugely speed optimized so that visitors get a blazing user-experience. Thankfully Digital theme of MyThemeshop is a fast loading theme as it is coded with speed in mind and comes with performance-specific options to take the performance even further

4. Compatible with Gutenberg

This is one of the main features of the Digital theme. Since the Digital theme is compatible with Gutenberg, so users get complete control over their content section, and moreover, Gutenberg also helps users to write content easily.

5. Comes with drag and drop social share option

Nowadays, it is essential to use a theme that provides social share buttons as users often want to share their website’s content on social media.

Every theme does not provide this facility, but thankfully Digital theme allows users to include social share buttons with the help of a few clicks, or else users can also add the social share buttons with the help of the drag and drop builder.

6. WooCommerce Ready

MyThemeshop’s Digital theme is compatible with WooCommerce. As a result of this feature, users will be easily able to set up an online store on their website by using this theme from MyThemeshop.

7. Offers 30-day money-back guarantee

The digital theme comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee policy. Due to this feature, users can thoroughly check each and every feature of this theme, and if they are not satisfied with the product, they can give up the service anytime within those 30-days to get back the entire invested amount. Now we will move into the next segment of this article as we have already highlighted all the essential features of the Digital theme.

Digital Theme Pricing Plan

  • In order to purchase this theme for a single website, all users need to invest $35/year. The cost of this theme for three websites is $59/year, and to use this theme on an unlimited number of websites, users need to invest $77/year.
  • For using the Digital theme, users can also purchase the full MyThemeshop membership, which includes all themes and plug-ins. So in order to buy the full membership for one website, users need to invest $99/year.

On the other hand, the full membership charges of MyThemeshop for three websites and an unlimited number of websites are $197/year and $420/year, respectively. Every pricing plan includes one year of free customer support facility and provides unlimited updates.

FAQs Related To Digital Theme From MyThemeShop

Does the Digital theme offer any trial period?

Yes, the digital theme comes with a 30-day money-back period. Due to this feature, if a person is not satisfied with their service can give up Digital theme within those 30-days to get back the entire invested amount.

Does Digital theme comes with a one-click installation feature?

Yes, the digital theme of MyThemeshop comes with a one-click installation feature. As a result of this feature, users can easily install the theme on their website and instantly start using all the features.

Is Digital theme WooCommerce ready? 

Yes, this WordPress theme is WooCommerce ready. Due to this reason, users will be easily able to set up an online store with the help of the Digital theme.

Will the digital theme work with third-party plug-ins?

Yes, the Digital theme of MyThemeshop is compatible with most of the third-party plug-ins because MyThemeshop products follow WordPress’s standard code practices.

Can users customize the digital theme?

Yes, the Digital theme contains an easy to use options panel that allows users to customize all the theme features without touching a single line of code.

Conclusion: Is Digital Theme Best?

As promised at the beginning of this article, we have given each and every information about the digital theme. Finally, we can sum up this article by saying that the Digital theme of MyThemeshop is a very useful product as it offers lots of features and a very simple user interface.

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