The world is rapidly moving towards online marketing. The web is now considered as a mass market channel which offers updated content on the go. Today, we can see, compare and comment on anything and everything. But, all said and done, whatever market one's business is working in, understanding the requirements of the customer is the key. The best marketing campaigns fail as they are unable to capture the soul of their audience.
Digital Marketing Strategies That Will Not Work In 2018
The digital sites are now the present and future of marketing. Cyndie Shaffstall says," Mobile is not the future, it is the NOW." But here comes the challenge with technology-Its dies before you can adapt to it. Just when you think that your digital marketing strategy is working and you become comfortable, it turns out that some of it may not work anymore. This is called CHANGE and this is the thriving principle of marketing.
Change is the only constant in the world, and you may choose to like it or dislike it, but you just cannot ignore it. Digital marketing has been the crux of the new virtual way of marketing, and it is here to stay. But, what worked earlier this year may not work the same now. 2018 will bring a lot of new challenges and with them, we will have to develop new digital marketing strategies. But before that, let's look at some digital marketing trends that will retire by next year.
1) Relying on Text-Based SEO Strategy
Today consumers rely more on multimedia. People want to see videos, images, and audios. The video graphic content attracts more customers than normal text. are already changing their strategy to mark this change. For e.g.: Google Lens will soon allow people to search with their phone cameras. Business coaching will also come into the picture.
2) Using the only Email to reach the C-Suite
Mass Web Marketing may lose its touch after a while. It's time for some personalized emails to hit the mailboxes of your target set of accounts and decision makers. This is also known as Account-based marketing-targeting a defined set of accounts.
Companies have automated the repetitive tasks such as emails, social media , and other website actions to make these tasks easier. But it will lose its charm in the coming days. It should be targeted more for internal marketing rather than for outside marketing activities.
4) Focusing on Quantity rather than Quality
The web is saturated with content-lots and lots of it. But how much of it actually caters to our needs. Customers prefer to look at quality content that relates to their pain points.
5) Drip Campaigns with no Personalization
Wondering..? These are a set of automated emails scheduled at regular time intervals which lack the touch of personalization. Drip marketing may not be useful in case of legitimate or high-value leads which makes it an undesirable candidate for future marketing strategies.
The attention span of today's youth is very small and it is reducing day by day which brings us to questions our strategy of detailed eBooks. Customers today like to read content which is in the form of quizzes, surveys, interactive landing page, video and online animation.
When it comes to digital marketing or marketing in general, there is nothing known as the "BEST PRACTICE". Some of the best digital marketing strategies like the ones stated above have already reached their expiration dates.
It's time you throw these expired, overused and under-performing strategies and give way to the new ones that will help you to gauge the attention of your audience and also increase your revenue. 🙂