Over the years, we have witnessed a revolution in computer technologies. Varieties of mice are available in the market today. However, selection of a mouse depends upon one’s need.
Take a look at different types of mice available in the market today.
Mechanical Mouse – Mechanical Mouse is the most basic mouse you will find in the markets. A mechanical mouse comes with rubber or metal ball on underside. And hence it is also known as Ball Mouse. As the metal or rubber ball rolls, sensor inside the mouse detects the direction and position and moves pointer accordingly on the screen of PC. For efficient working of mechanical mouse, a flat surface is must.

One of the disadvantages of such type of mouse is that they are more prone to attracting dust and hence regular cleaning of the metal ball is required.
Optical-Mechanical Mouse – These types of mouse are identical to mechanical mouse. The only difference is type of sensors used. Optical Mechanical mouse use optical sensors. They are based on the combination of optical and mechanical technologies. The movement of the ball is detected optically and hence more efficient in its working.
Laser Mouse – A laser mouse has two important components in it – Light emitter and light detector. A laser mouse use light emitter and is very accurate in terms of mouse movement.

It uses Infrared diode to illuminate the surface beneath it. Laser mouse ranging between 1000-5700 dots-per-inch are easily available.
Optical Mouse – These types of mouse are commonly and widely used. An Optical mouse uses LED instead of Infrared diode as light emitter.

However, due to lower Dots-per-inch (DPI) than Laser Mouse, Optical mouse are difficult to use on shiny surfaces.
BlueTrack Mouse – BlueTrack mouse is the modern generation mouse by Microsoft. As the name suggests this type of mouse uses BlueTrack Technology that helps mouse to work efficiently on any surface, be it granite or a carpet.

The blue beam as shown in BlueTrack Mouse is a combination of pixel geometry and image sensor and it is four times more accurate than laser used in laser mouse. For an exceptional tracking accuracy, it generates high contrast pictures of the surface.
Wireless Mouse – Wireless mouse provide capability of connecting without cables. These types of mouses are the first choice for gamers and for laptop users. These sorts of mouse include the necessary driver software. You’ll normally be capable to start using your brand-new mouse during first minutes.