Lifestyle Magazine

“die Sie Zahlen +Social-Media-Effekte Auf Teens”

By Julia Fernandes @appshub

I find that companies without a digital strategy (and many that do) don’t have clear strategic goal for what they want to achieve online in terms of gaining new customers or building deeper relationships with existing ones. And if you don’t have goals with SMART digital marketing objectives you likely don’t put enough resources to reach the goals and you don’t evaluate through analytics whether you’re achieving those goals.

Eric Ehrmann contends that social media in the form of public diplomacy create a patina of inclusiveness that covers[104] traditional economic interests that are structured to ensure that wealth is pumped up to the top of the economic pyramid, perpetuating the digital divide and post Marxian class conflict. He also voices concern over the trend that finds social utilities operating in a quasi-libertarian global environment of oligopoly that requires users in economically challenged nations to spend high percentages of annual income to pay for devices and services to participate in the social media lifestyle. Neil Postman also contends that social media will increase an information disparity between “winners” – who are able to use the social media actively – and “losers” – who are not familiar with modern technologies or who do not have access to them. People with high social media skills may have better access to information about job opportunities, potential new friends, and social activities in their area, which may enable them to improve their standard of living and their quality of life.

“Social media is the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration.” This is one of the best definitions so far that I have encountered!

Digitales Marketing ist heute ein fester Bestandteil jeder erfolgreichen Marketingstrategie. Kampagnen werden zusehends stärker von der Verbindung und Verzahnung der virtuellen mit der realen Welt bestimmt. Kommunikation findet auf mehreren Ebenen statt und ist stärker als früher erlebnisorientiert. Die „neuen“ technischen Möglichkeiten sind kein Hexenwerk; richtig eingesetzt sind sie eine große Hilfe. Sie ermöglichen es, unsere Kunden und Kundinnen schneller und intensiver kennenzulernen und sie gezielter anzusprechen. Diese wiederum erleben Marken und Produkte lebendiger und interessanter. So profitieren beide Seiten. Die programmiertechnischen Grundlagen dafür sollten wir einfach als „Technik“ stehenlassen, die man, ähnlich wie Autofahren, erlernen und beherrschen kann – und muss. Doch Technik allein bietet keine Lösungen, nur Unterstützung. Um für Kunden überraschend und spannend zu bleiben, bedarf es – wie schon immer – menschlicher Kreativität. Es kommt stets auf die richtige Verbindung von Kreativität, Content und Technik an! Die Welt dreht sich; wer nicht mitgeht, bleibt zurück. Oder wie es im Büro des Chefs von „Lidl“  an der Wand steht: WER AUFHÖRT, BESSER ZU WERDEN, HÖRT AUF, GUT ZU SEIN.

Before social media,[198] admissions officials in the United States used SAT and other standardized test scores, extra-curricular activities, letters of recommendation, and high school report cards to determine whether to accept or deny an applicant. In the 2010s, while colleges and universities still use these traditional to evaluate applicants, these institutions are increasingly accessing applicants’ social media profiles to learn about their character and activities. According to Kaplan, Inc, a corporation that provides higher education preparation, in 2012 27% of admissions officers used Google to learn more about an applicant, with 26% checking Facebook.[199] Students whose social media pages include offensive jokes or photos, racist or homophobic comments, photos depicting the applicant engaging in illegal drug use or drunkenness, and so on, may be screened out from admission processes.

The future for these messaging apps is still uncertain. Some in the industry expect buyouts from big internet companies like Google, which was rumoured to have flirted with WhatsApp earlier this year. Facebook already has its own popular Messenger service, while Apple has iMessage – both are popular, but lack the gaming ambitions of Asian chat apps. Still, it is hard to imagine these players consolidating to create a global social network as big as Facebook.

Alex York: is a writer, Senior SEO Specialist and your guiding light to all things content. When he’s not writing, you’ll catch him defending Ohio sports teams or endlessly scrolling through Netflix. Follow him on Twitter @SproutAlexYork.

Skype, owned by Microsoft, is one of the most popular communication-based social networking platforms. It allows you to connect with people through voice calls, video calls (using a webcam) and text messaging. You can even conduct group conference calls. And, the best part is that Skype-to-Skype calls are free and can be used to communicate with anyone, located in any part of the world, over the internet.

Terri H. Chan, the author of “Facebook and its Effects on Users’ Empathic Social Skills and Life Satisfaction: A Double Edged Sword Effect”,[163] claims that the more time people spend on Facebook, the less satisfied they feel about their life. Self-presentational theory explains that people will consciously manage their self-image or identity related information in social contexts. According to Gina Chen, the author of Losing Face on Social Media: Threats to Positive Face Lead to an Indirect Effect on Retaliatory Aggression Through Negative Affect,[164] when people are not accepted or are criticized online they feel emotional pain. This may lead to some form of online retaliation such as online bullying.[165] Trudy Hui Hui Chua and Leanne Chang’s article, “Follow Me and Like My Beautiful Selfies: Singapore Teenage Girls’ Engagement in Self-Presentation and Peer Comparison on Social Media”[166] states that teenage girls manipulate their self-presentation on social media to achieve a sense of beauty that is projected by their peers. These authors also discovered that teenage girls compare themselves to their peers on social media and present themselves in certain ways in effort to earn regard and acceptance, which can actually lead to problems with self-confidence and self-satisfaction.[166]

It is known for being the leading social bookmarking service. Having been launched in 2003, Delicious is ideal for storing, sharing and discovering web bookmarks. It also allows its users to tag them with any keywords.

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