Celeb Magazine

Did Sophie Turner Casually Drop the N-word in an Instagram Story?

Posted on the 10 May 2017 by Sumithardia

Sophie Turner – aka Sansa Stark – is currently dating Joe Jonas, the human embodiment of a sad clown noise. No, I jest! Joe Jonas isn’t that bad. Nick Jonas would have been a better choice, but maybe that’s just me. So, Sophie and Joe are loved up and spending a lot of time together. They apparently even go to the gym together, which is where someone – “fitness guru Brendan Fallis” – posted an Instagram Story of Sophie and Joe basically saying “hi!” Except that Sophie didn’t say “hi there.” No one is quite sure what she said, because it sounds like she said “what up, ni–a.” The original Instagram has already been deleted, but thankfully some people copied it:

Game of Thrones #SophieTurner is under fire for this video with #JoeJonas
A post shared by Baller Alert (@balleralert) on May 9, 2017 at 8:51am PDT

Yeah, even though Fitness Guru was laughing and you can’t make out what Sophie says after “what up,” it really does sound like she said some variation on the n-word. Which is bad. Sophie has issued a statement about the video though.
“I used the word ‘motherf–kers’ in a recent video posted in an Instagram story and not a hateful racial slur that has been suggested. I am incredibly upset that anyone would think otherwise, and I want to make it clear that I would never use such an abhorrent word.”
[From E! News]
Go and watch the video again and really think to yourself, “She’s saying ‘motherf–ker.’” Or maybe “motherf–kas.” Okay… maybe. MAYBE. But it still feels like a stretch because it sounds so much like the n-word. Then again, maybe it’s a stretch to say that a young, white British woman who has mostly lived and worked in Britain most of her life would use the n-word so casually? Like, I could see an entitled and dumb American actress doing that. But a British actress? I don’t know. Does Sophie deserve the benefit of the doubt here, or do you still clearly hear her use the n-word?

Photos courtesy of PR Photos and Pacific Coast News.

Source: celebitchy.com

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