Life Coach Magazine

Diary Confessions - 9 : Time Machine

By Cifarshayar @cifarshayar

Diary Confessions - 9 : Time Machine

Diary Confessions - 9 : Time Machine
15th Feb, 2015 
Dear Diary,
My father sold that blue sofa to a scrap dealer thinking that it was unlucky for me because I have became lazy since he bought it. How silly he thinks, it wasn't unlucky but so soft that I always fell asleep whenever I sat on it to study. My laziness was the reason of my bad grades and not that sofa. But now I am determined to perform well in my coming board exam and will definitely make him proud.
2nd Aug, 2015
Dear Diary,
You are witness to my father's brutality after I failed board exams. I think he is not wrong, I am a useless fellow who has ruined his own life in laziness. All my friends make mockery of me. I can't bear that insult anymore. I am ending my life by diving in this river. 
3rd Aug, 2015
Dear Diary, 
I was never sure to see that day but God have a different plan for me. I should have heard that old man with steel leg who came suddenly from somewhere just before I was going to dive and said that the dive would make me handicapped. He was right I have lost my leg and also my father who died of a heart attack reading your yesterday's page. I have to change my destiny one day.
2nd August, 2055
Dear Diary,
Wow! My time machine is ready after dedicating thirty years of my life in it. I have no family, no friends and only one leg just for an incident that happened forty years ago on that fateful day. Everything was lost by my silly behavior. Perhaps that blue sofa had some bad spirits which washed all sense from my brain and gave me this life of misery. Today I will go back and help my past self to change my destiny.
This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

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