Fashion Magazine
You probably haven't noticed, but yesterday was the first day in the 4 months since I started this blog that I haven't posted anything. It felt weird, but I just didn't have time to create an interesting post and I'm not really about posting because 'I have to post'. It was quite a deal for me. I've started my internship at LifestylePress, and so far it's great. But next to that, I'm also blogging everyday, and working on my bachelorthesis. It's a little much at the moment, so I've made what is for me a pretty big and a little unfortunate decision. I can't blog everyday anymore. I'm sorry, I wish I could, but I just don't have enough time to make quality posts that you want to read. And since I take my blog very serious, I think I just have to post a little less to keep my posts interesting for my lovely readers. Don't worry, it won't be once a week, but I think I'll blog every other day. I really hope you understand!
Luckily, besides all the business I've also done a few fun things and had time to paint my nails :). Here's what you're looking at in the pictures:1. My mint half moon nails, that match my new Acne knit very well!2. My new fancy running shoes! I've unsubscribed at my gym because I just didn't have time (nor balls) to go anymore, but since I do like to stay a bit healthy I've started to run! Already ran 2 times this week and although the endurance part was a drama, they walk great and I'm excited to start running!3. Thursday it was press day at LifestylePress, and we had the cutest little cupcakes!4. Aren't these cute? Knitted 'sleeves' to put a glass in and light a candle!5. Spent my saturday at the spa with the BF, just what I needed! Some relaxation and clearing my head, after which I made the blogging decision..6. Did you know that when you apply silver OPI shatter nail polish to clean nails, you can just use it as a regular silver nail polish? Love it!7. Got these nail stickers at H&M this week, they are just made for me! Trying these leopard nails next week and I'll post a review on the blog!8. More quality time with the BF, having the most delicious dinner with these delicious scallops!
I'd love to hear what you think about my blog decision, since I really value what my readers have to say, so let me know!