As expected, Dhoom 3 has created history in its opening weekend. The film was predicted to do superb business domestically, which it has, but what has taken the entire trade by surprise is the overseas performance of the film. Dhoom 3 is setting new benchmarks for Hindi cinema in overseas with its opening weekend numbers which are record almost everywhere. The performance in overseas has far exceeded the expectations it has prior to the release where as it has met the expectations in India.
The total worldwide gross figure as a result of this mind blowing performance is around 200 Cr. This is a stunning number for a weekend by any yardstick and if one then remembers that all this is done in a non holiday weekend, this performance becomes even more awesome. Dhoom 3 had Aamir Khan as the villainous lead with Katrina Kaif pairing up with him. Abhishek and Uday continued reprised their roles from previous parts.
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