And its all over! I am really happy with how it went! I nearly participated in all the challenges and this is one of my best page results for this read-a-thon! I had an amazing time and would really like to know how you all did so link me to your wrap up!
Total Pages Read: 733
Books Finished:
Closing Survey!
1. Which hour was most daunting for you?
Hours 9 and 10 for sure. I actually crashed for about 2-3 hours after hour 10.
2. Tell us ALLLLL the books you read!
3. Which books would you recommend to other Read-a-thoners?
I really loved The Rest of us Just Live Here. It was such an easy read and I did enjoy myself even if it wasn’t your standard fantasy.
4. What’s a really rad thing we could do during the next Read-a-thon that would make you happy?
I think I enjoyed the old structure for the read-a-thon, but in saying that I did like the more relaxed way of the mini challenges.
5. How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again? Would you be interested in volunteering to help organize and prep?
I will definitely will participate again. I want to be active in other ways as well but I need to decide things like that closer to the actual event.
Till Next Time. . .