Welcome back for another update! I am getting quite tired, and I find myself to be freezing! I don’t know if this is because it’s actually cold or just my body desperately trying to make me go to bed haha.
Hour sixs challenge is:
Dungeons & Dragons Stereotypes – Where do your characters fit?
I’m curious, what Dungeons & Dragons Stereotypes have you found in your books and which ones would you want in your party? Create an adventuring party of characters you’ve read and use 4 or 5 of the following stereotypes.
See the challenge post here.
- Artificer – Gadget tinkerer who relies on machines for their abilities.
- Barbarian – Always relies on their muscles and definitely an idiot.
- Bard – Has incredible charisma and skills but uses them all for flirting.
- Cleric – Designated healer even though they can do so much more. – Shuko seems to only be there for a strong helping hand but she would beat someone if she thought she needed to!
- Druid – Uses their knowledge of herbs to get high and prefers to save the monster creatures.
- Fighter – They just want to help but don’t know much about how other than hitting things. – Kominato tries so hard but he doesn’t really get anywhere. Granted he is trying to help Kou most the time and thats just a hard one to do.
- Monk – Meditative fighter who uses their fists, never weapons.
- Paladin – Stick-in-the-mud, goody-two-shoes, teacher’s pet, etc. – Mr. Tanaka is a stick in a the mud for a very good reason! Don’t be messing with your students boy.
- Ranger – Underappreciated because it takes them so long to get powerful. – Yuri is quiet and cute but she is a strong friend and I think she deserves some more credit.
- Rogue – Kleptomaniac emo. – Kou may not have really stolen anything but hearts yet, but god that boy needs to cheer up!
- Sorcerer – Born talented and knows it and reminds everyone of it.
- Warlock – Frequently needs to rest.
- Wizard – The group nerd.
The challenge for hour eight is a book treasure hunt, but looking at the list some of the things on it that I tried finding and just couldn’t. Maybe I will try again after I have a nap…
Here is my bingo update!
Reading Update
Page Total: 1320
I finished 3 more volumes. Not as good as the last post but I blame that on doing these updates and doing some of the challenges that take a bit longer. This hour is pretty much over now for example so I wont get another volume in this one. My brain is also more tired so that is probably a key factor.
Till Next Time…