Books Magazine

Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon – Hour 7

By Jazmin-Jade

Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon – Hour 7

The sleepiness is really catching up on me now, and the hunger. I am taking hour 6 off to write this up and to get some food into me and to grab another V, my beverage of choice at this time in the read-a-thon. I am honestly jealous of people in the time zones where theirs starts at the beginning of the day and not the end. I am hoping the food and V gives me another burst of energy but the food really could just put me to sleep.

Currently Reading:

Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon – Hour 7

Page Count: 284

I really want to finish my book before I crash though because I am so close! I might finish it in hour 7!

Mini Challenge – Modern Classics

“Which books, published in the 21st century will likely be classics 100 years from now?”

Find the challenge here.

I found this challenge really hard because I think classics should really teach you something or shine a bright light on something that needs to be discussed and I don’t really feel that way coming out of many books. But here we go, I shall try to think of three.

Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon – Hour 7

Because it talks about something that shouldn’t be an issue in todays world, but is for a lot of people. It also does it in a very honest way. Click here for my review.

Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon – Hour 7

Because I think it raises a lot of questions about who we are as people, and how we expect or want things for people for our own gain, or assume things about others because we believe, without any hint that any of it is true. The meanings in this book should be discussed. Click here for my review.

Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon – Hour 7

Because it taught me to be more understanding of mental illness and of suicide. Suicide was something I really looked down on people for with no sympathy or compassion and really was a heartless cow. But this book made me see that its not just a selfish move on their part, that some people really just cant escape or call out for help when it comes to their mental health. Click here for my review.

Till Next Time. . .


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