I finally managed to do hour eights challenge! Find it here.
Hour tens challenge.
“What menagerie lives in your favorite books?” Find the challenge thread here.

Hour eleven!
Bookish would you rather. Find the challenge here.
It is very important that you do not read the questions until AFTER you have completed the following:
- Create a list of TEN BOOKS that you have read. You don’t need to remember everything about them, but you should be able to identify the main character, love interest, and villain for each of them.
- Write down (or type) the list and number the books from 1-10.
Here are the books I have chosen. I found it actually challenging to find 10 books I remembered all the details for and that had a clear villain! Sort of by the nature of this there are spoilers for some of these books so if you haven’t read them but want to I might skip this challenge.
(Oh my god I just can’t work out this new wordpress picture insert process. I hate it)
If the main character of book 2 was trapped in the zombie apocalypse, would they have a better chance of surviving alone or with the love interest of book 7?
Definitely with the love interest of book 7! The main character of 2 while amazing isn’t useful.
Would you rather be trapped on an island with the love interest of book 1 or the main character of book 9?
Sorry Aelin from book 9, I will choose Rysand on an island any day.
Would you rather have an epic duel with the villain of book 4 or the main character of book 10?
With the villain from book 4. I am taking this to be a physical duel, an AI isn’t going to be much of a fight. If it was mental one though I will take on the Dhampir.
Would you rather trade lives with the love interest of book 3 forever or the villain of book 5 for a month?
The Villain from book 5 for month, doesn’t really matter what villain… The thought of being Daniel forever makes me want to gag.
If the love interest of book 6 were planning something dastardly, would the main character of book 1 or the villain of book 9 have a better chance at stopping them?
Oh god this one is hard… I have faith in Feyre while super useful at times I think because still learning about her powers in this book I think I will have to go with the the king in throne of glass (I went the larger villain rather than the smaller used 1). Royalty verses royalty. He has powers and many things at his disposal to help him beat the love interest in Red Queen.
Would it be better to have the love interest of book 5 in charge of the world for a week, or to have the main character of book 4 join forces with the villain of book 2?
I am gonna go with love interest of book 5 having a go of things for a week. He would make a difference in the world I think for that week, and I just don’t think the main character of 4 and the villain of book 2 would achieve anything because they are way too different.
If the main characters from books 2, 6, and 9 got together, could they defeat the villain of book 10 armed only with their wits and a bucket of rubber ducks?
Yes, 110% yes. Some of them have some strength with them and really thats all it took the defeat the villain in book 10 anyway. Well, not the ducks but certainly the wits.
Would you rather see a concert where the villain of book 8 was headlining, or a movie with the love interest of book 8 as the star?
I think I will actually go the the villain and the concert. President Snow is so posh, I am sure he has some training in a classical instrument and I can picture it being quite nice to see.
Would you rather have every meal made for you by the villain of book 5, or have to rhyme every other word with the main character’s name from book 7?
Knowing it would be signing my death warrant to pick the villain in book 5, I just don’t think I could rhyme every other word with Wanda or Wonderer. Just kill me.
The love interest of book 2 has been framed for murder! Will you have a better chance of solving it with the villain of book 6 or the main character of book 3?
Hands down the villain of book 6. One one of those options has any brains.
Now some of the challenges are just small ones for twitter, but hour thirteen is one I want to do but am just skipping. Its about making a mixtape for some books and I know I would just spend way too long trying to find the right songs to go along with the book so I am just not gonna try.
Hour nineteens challenge. Find it here.
Grab a book, a piece of paper and a pen/pencil… Then close your eyes and try to draw the best way you can the cover of that book. Post it under this thread.
I tried to do an easy one… I didn’t go well hahaha. I need my eyes!
Reading Update
Total Pages Read: 2432
Books Read:
Now I spent quite a while doing these challenges and I had fun doing them! But unless one I really want to do pops up I think I will just pick a book I really want to start and just focus on that for the rest of the read-a-thon.
Till Next Time…