And thats a wrap folks. I think I did pretty good, even if I mostly read manga. The main point was just to get me reading again and at least for now I have the urge to read some more (but not tonight I am going straight to bed).
Closing Survey
How would you assess your reading overall?
I think I did pretty good. I mostly read manga which is super easy to read but for me the goal was to start wanting to read again, and I think I have done it.
Did you have a stategy, and if so, did you stick to it?
Just to read easy thing to keep me motivated and thats what I did.
What was your favorite snack?
Didn’t actually do that many snacks. I tried a new prawn and crab dib which was ok but I think I will just go with my bottle of V. It kept me alive haha.
Here is my final bingo board. I think next time I might try and focus on this more cause it may get me to pick up something I might not naturally reach for!

Total Pages Read: 2598!
Books Finished:
Books Started:

Well I think I am gonna go pass out now. See you all next time!
Till Next Time…