Hello my lovelies! I meant to do an update prior to now but I was in the swing of things and didn’t want to stop! How is everyone else doing in this read-a-thon? I am a bit tired but considering it is 2am in Brisbane right now I think I am doing pretty ok!
Now part of why I love this read-a-thon is the challenges. I posted hour 1 on instagram already if you want to check it out.
Now there is also a bingo happening as well!

I don’t know how much I am going to be taking part, but I hope to at least do a row. I should have given it more thought prior to the start of the read-a-thon and planned out my books better to get the bingos but I really wanted to read all thirteen volumes of Ao Haru Ride for this, so I guess when I am done with them I will think about it more. I think I would have ticked a couple of these off, but I will give an update on the bingo in a later post.
For hour 3s challenge we were to look at all the characters in that hour and see what names of characters we get introduce to are and pick another name for myself. I chose the name Yumi. I like the way it sounds and the characters while only in the manga volume for about 3 pages really inspired me. She shows up to apologize to the main character for something she did that was horrible to her earlier on in their lives, and I just really hope that if I am ever faced with a situation like that that I have the courage to own up to what I did, no matter the outcome.
Reading Update
Total Pages: 760

I have read 4 volumes thus far! I wont get one finished this hour as I am taking the time to write this up but I will catch back up in the next if I don’t stop to look at challenges haha. Pages are a bit hard to keep up with in manga since they don’t really number them, so my count is going by what good reads is telling me!
Also, as a side note. It took me way too long to work out how to get the pictures to do what I want in this new wordpress set up. Like 40 minutes…
Till Next Time….