Inculcate cleanliness habits in kids from a young age.
Tips for Developing Cleanliness Habits in Kids
Good hygiene and cleanliness are essential aspects of the education of kids. Developing good hygiene habits from early childhood goes a long way to keeping kids away from diseases. Check out essential hygiene habits that your kids need to learn and follow daily-Food Hygiene
As per a report by WHO, thousands of children fall sick every year from eating unhygienic food. When kids eat with dirty hands, they transfer loads of germs through the food to their stomach even when the food is prepared hygienically, causing stomachache, diarrhea, cholera, vomiting, and even typhoid. Foodborne diseases may cause paralysis, blood infection, or kidney failure in case of severe infection.

Food hygiene and kids
Therefore, it is essential to teach and maintain food hygiene for kids. Teach kids to follow these essential tips before they dig their hands into their favorite foods:
● Always wash your hands with soap and water before and after eating anything. Make washing hands even more interesting by using mild handwashes especially prepared for kids, such as Natural Foam Handwash by Baby Chakra. The bottle shows a bear washing his hand. I am sure kids will love to join him in his cleanliness expedition.
● Use a sanitizer if washing is not possible. Whenever going outside with kids, keep a bottle of sanitizer handy. Use herbal sanitizers such as Khadi Essentials Pure & Safe Hand Sanitizer, or Himalaya PureHands Hand Sanitizer which contains natural elements like tulsi extracts and aloe vera.
Add intriguing keychain holders to the sanitizer bottles so that kids never forget to carry them along while going out.
● Never store raw and cooked meals together. Use separate sealed containers for raw meats.

● Tell kids to always rinse raw fruits, and vegetables before eating. If possible, do not serve uncooked foods, cheese, and unpasteurized milk to kids.
● Make sure that kids eat the food hot as quickly as it is served. Besides, tell kids not to eat food that has been lying uncovered for some time on the counters or dining table. Moreover, always cover the containers with lids.
Educate kids about germs, bacteria, and basic food hygiene. Also, refrigerate the food immediately if you need to store it for later use.
Home Essential
Personal Hygiene
Tell kids how they can keep germs at bay by keeping every part of their body clean and healthy. Even a simple act of washing hands can prevent them from falling sick. Here are some essential habits to follow for maintaining personal hygiene:

Clean kids are healthy kids!
● Make sure that kids wash their hands and freshen up as soon as they get back from school or the playground. Also, remind them to get a thorough hand wash after petting an animal. The same rules should apply when kids use the toilet, visit a sick person, sneeze, cough, or clear their nose.
● Trimming nails is another essential habit to follow because dirt and germs often build up under the nails. Moreover, kids tend to bite their overgrown nails, making it even more essential to timely trim the fingernails. The Baybee Baby Nail Clippers and Nail Cutters come with a magnifier zoom lens that makes it easy to cut the fingernails of infants. They also have cute safety nail cutters for toddlers.

● Kids often try to ditch bathing. However, they must understand the importance of bathing daily. Ensure that they shower before and after school or after playing outside.
Educate them about cleaning different body parts such as armpits, joints, back, elbows, knees, and belly buttons. It is also important to use separate soap for kids. Popular brands like Himalaya and Mama Earth provide a huge range of baby products, including moisturizing soaps and nourishing shower gels for kids.
● Additionally, hair hygiene is another vital aspect of skin hygiene because kids’ hair is susceptible to the growth of head lice. Wash kids’ hair at least twice a week to keep them healthy and shiny.
You can use mild shampoos from Mama Earth, The Moms Co., and Mother Care All We Know Baby Shampoo
● Tell kids not to share combs with any other person. Tie up long hairs into braids and buns to avoid the accumulation of dirt.
● ‘Smelly foot' is a common problem that occurs because of the accumulation of germs and bacteria. Teach kids to keep their feet clean and wash them every time they get back home after school or play. Teach them how to properly clean their feet using soap and water. Also, encourage kids to keep shoes tidy and clean.
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Health Hygiene Habits among Kids
Most kids get common colds very often. Teach your kids to maintain healthy hygiene to have better immunity and can easily fend off germs. Follow these tips to maintain better health hygiene:
● Avoid sending kids to school when they have infections such as flu. Educate them about using a handkerchief or tissue paper while coughing and sneezing.
● Encourage the habit of using hand sanitizers while outside.
● Teach them how to maintain clean surroundings and keep a tidy work desk. Also, encourage them about cleaning spills if they drop something on the floor.

Hygiene Tips while using the washroom
● Kids should know about toilet basics and bathroom cleanliness. They must flush the toilet after use and throw used tissue paper in the bins.
● Teach kids to put dirty clothes in the laundry basket.
Oral Hygiene
Kids eat so many sugary treats and tempting snacks that if they circumvent oral health, they are likely to get cavities, bad breath, and several other oral diseases. Teach kids how they can avoid dental troubles by maintaining good oral health.

Inculcate good dental habits in kids
● Develop a habit of brushing their teeth twice a day. Make brushing teeth even more interesting for kids by using flavored toothpaste such as strawberry-flavored Mama Earth Berry Blast or Chiccotoothpaste. Also, teach them to floss.
●Tell them to rinse their mouth every time they eat something. Make them gargle with warm water and salt once in a while.
●Make regular appointments with the dentists to keep kids’ oral health in check.
Developing cleanliness habits is an ongoing job. You cannot make kids follow every hygiene practice overnight. However, you can make the routine tasks more interesting by using the right baby products.
You can also try fun games to turn monotonous activities into a fun learning experience. How about setting daily reminders or using sign tags until your kids get them right?
More importantly, kids learn by doing and following examples. Therefore, demonstrate and practice healthy hygiene habits at home.
Start with the basics and utilize the right resources for teaching about good hygiene practices. Gradually, the kids will follow your lead and develop healthy cleanliness habits of their own.