Seizing every single moment, I was thankful for that early morning alarm call. Paris had a lot for me to discover and more, appreciating every moment of that 'Destination' day out, I did a lot! From the 'Lourve Museum' to the 'Pantheon', I made those move so I could marvel at those key French capital landmarks. I wasn't playing! Two more sights were clocked, I was crazy busy, P!

Booking that online reservation for the Lourve was the right choice, I was able to join that opening hour queue! Taking the 'Paris Metro' during that early hour, I left my 'Sully-Morland' local station to find that 'resting bitch face' Mona Lisa looking painting. Those Parisian streets looked quiet, I was not mad because I had a lot to achieve that day! Those absentminded tourists were being told to come back at lunchtime, I did not have time for that predicament. Are you mad? No! Scanning that iPhone ticket had me entering the 'Denon Wing' with those sprinting tourists, I felt my pace quicken because I did not want to beholden to that 'moody' painting. The museum had me wondering why the exterior looked so vast? Yes, it was massive! It was honestly the most bizarre museum visit, come to think of it, the last museum I had visited was China's revolutionary 'Xibaipo' in Hebei Province. From 'Mao's' revolutionary muse to Paris's most famous house of paintings, the Pandemic had not done nothing for me! Girl, smile? You're rude!
Yes, I clocked those Mandarin looking signs and I caught those feelings because that's my overseas happy place. Mona Lisa, who? That 'Italian Renaissance' painting of Italian noblewoman 'Lisa Gheradini' looked just as it had done when those demented protesters tried to deface that world famous portrait. I did not care if that version of the 'Monna Lisa' was a replica, it was for the experience I felt blessed to see her. Her own moody face impressed me much, why smile when you can be as famous as Miss. Lisa? I rate this woman! People were losing their damn minds as they snapped away intently, I don't run but I made sure I had made it to Lisa because those tourists weren't going to possess me to push through nor rush. I wanted to half observe those fanatical visitors, I had one goal and with that in mind I moved on. Slipping away after my second look of that 'displeased' portrait, I headed towards the exit with a sense of accomplishment. 'Mona Lisa', love just crack a smile? Lourve, Bey's 'Renaissance' is now! OK?

Unique? I knew about the 'Pantheon' well before I set one single foot on French soil. I might well be a Caucasian brother but I do know my 'Black History!' With that ungrateful looking 'Mona Lisa' appreciated, I went underground in pursuit of a special place. The Pantheon had me looking for one name and that was 'Josephine Baker', she was a woman of American birth but when she died, she was laid to rest at the Pantheon in 2021. I don't know the exact details of her funeral in Paris but Baker had adopted France and Paris as her true home, she had eloped with a French man whom I don't care to know his name. Her impact during the war years saw her dance her way into several covert missions, she became an adopted French citizen and refused to perform for American segregated audiences. During my time at the Pantheon, I genuinely tried to look for her name. P, I felt that my presence and love for Baker gave me her seal of approval. On the eve of my birthday, I made sure that location wasn't within the United Kingdom! Sure!
I got the Pantheon, it reminded me of a 'St. Paul's Cathedral' point of interest. Paying my entrance fee without any prior booking felt correct, I didn't want every single part of my visit to be dictated by a former Pandemic feeling. It felt golden to just go with it, clear to say that paying at the door is back! Those exhibits within that elaborate building had me gooped and then some, I caught a sense of 'Les Miserables' Realness with those bloodthirsty almost alive portraits. The Pantheon gave me actual life, it was immense to see such stark displays of art and everything else. It was a display of pure history and culture with the area around the Pantheon schooling me during that 'Sunday Service' moment. Back inside the stone fashioned Pantheon, I was amazed by everything that stood before me with a curiosity to know more. I did not take note of the installments because frankly they spoke for themselves. Paris had me feeling something inside myself, it told me that I couldn't sit and wait for life. Josephine Baker believed in life after Paris!

That particularly priced Paris Metro ticket allowed me constantly travel for five days, because of that I was able to hope from line to line in order to reach my intended 'Destination' landmarks without fuss. Done with the 'Lourve' and the 'Pantheon', it was time for me to make my way over to 'École Militaire' for me to meet Paris's 'Eiffel Tower'. People say that Paris is a romantic city, baby I had no time to think because it was about moving from one place the other. Wasting no time, I had my data on roaming as to not be tardy. Snatching those views before lunchtime had me winning, with my distance taken into consideration, I was able to luxuriate within that Paris Eiffel moment. I had that November view to myself without shame, you already know those Parisian gentlemen looked right! They were all looking bang on fine! Maybe they had something about them which resembled that famous Paris tower landmark? I guessed Paris would have to let me find that out for myself? Yes! Not feeling complacent, the view felt correct! Ooh, Parisss!
Aside from the masculine views, I sensed that a high touristic presence was about to face me. I did not appreciate that high concentration of stupid, I had so far self-navigated my way around the city without that mess in my way. With such a stunning monument standing over me, it was apparent to see a hoard of 'Eiffel' street sellers were out in their droves, I wanted no part of that narrative. Keeping my pace moderate, I devoured Paris's legendary corner with my eyes with love. Making my way over the Seine River had to be done, I wanted to see that landmark away from the noise from the other side of the river with those autumn trees in view. I didn't end up seeing the Eiffel Tower shining at night because I chose to do other things and with those daylight moments sealed in my memory, I feel no shame. Feeling far from my Far Eastern former location, I made the most of every moment with Paris's own Eiffel Tower. Rolling on the same river allowed me to feel all of those feelings, Paris will always be a mood! Badder than bad!

Keeping on my ones and twos, I sped a few stops along the metro system toward Paris's own 'Arc de Triomphe'. Baby, I had already seen a 'triumphant' arch in Pyongyang in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in February 2019 and it did make me wonder about her sister arch in Paris, France! Yes, sharing that sisterly love I made my way from that delicious lunch-spot during that capital day of discovery. Getting them like the best, I emerged from the correct Metro station. It was going to be a massive, larger than life situation, I wasn't bothered about the corner I saw first. Never looking down, that humongous roundabout looking circle had me dumb! My day had built up to that moment, well for the daylight anyway! The traffic minded its own business and so did I, I found such beauty within that chaos! I cannot express how satisfying it was to be surrounded by such a chaotic sight, I was getting a certain 'Guanggu' vibe! I had kept those crêpe cravings at bay but no more could I deny myself that French fancy! Nooo!
I had been flexing my French language skills from the moment I had boarded my Paris bound Air France flight from Birmingham. That moment opposite the 'Arc De Triomphe' was no different, I had to wait a few moments until that happy snapping customer had her French pancake to herself. I had a great little Frenglish conversation with that independent street vendor, mind the price I loved my ultra sweet treat. I had everything that I wanted within that French landmark Sunday situation. Getting it together I bid the gargantuan Arc a fond farewell with my next step in mind. The 'Champs-Élysées' had half of my attention, I viewed her like I had 'Beverly Hills', keeping my distance but with a key glance because I know my quality of life gives me riches. The frenzied nature of that 70 meter stretch of 'too much' had me wanting to run down the next Metro entrance because no 'Louis Vuitton' bag was on my radar! Not wanting to wait for the night, I fled that city situation for the underground once again. Merci bcp, Paris!
La Seule Destination!
Desperately Seeking Adventure