Nottingham had been a city that my Nanjing friend, Chris had lived in. It was a shared excitement in one way because I was being told some funny stories about his time living in that city, with kind recommendations along the way. Where was I going to go next? Taking a moment or two within Nottingham's Old Market Square felt like the right thing to do. The city of Nottingham was serving all kinds Victorian realness, the abundance of 18th century architectural opulence had me thinking that I was in another time period! I love living in China but nothing compares when I get to see British period features! The reason for my Nottingham trip was to get out of the house, to see some place that would give my blog a new English directive because I seem to be a lover of Asian places. Getting up into Nottingham's raw city nature, I could tell that the city would show me many interesting characters! After listening to the local folk, seemingly sounding friendly with a sense of normalcy.

I found the Major Oak without any issues! I marvelled at that wondrous tree that looked amazing for its 800-1,100 years of life! The tree had significance from the times of Robin Hood, the figures blew my mind but the real life view impressed me much indeed! The facts about the jays with the acorns hammered home that nature has largely helped the Major Oak last the test of time, the fence was introduced in 1975 because people just didn't have respect for the soil that got disturbed at the bottom of the trees impressive trunk. I remembered my time at Dengfeng's Pagoda Forest near the Shaolin Temple in China, it would have been lovely to have not had such a fence getting in the way! Being mindful of the time I made my way back to the bus stop, I wasn't about to be stranded in the village of Edwinstowe because time was pressing on and my hostel was away in the city center. With no mobile data it was heaven to be helped, I found my hostel, relaxing that night was the perfect plan!

Clearly, I had big plans for my trip to Nottingham, getting up to Bulwell to see Sue Tuke, Manager and her shop was the one! She had her work cut out to spread the word of charity to the world to make each one of her customers look like a bloody star with her award winning makeovers! Content with my Bulwell explorations, I boarded the Nottingham Tram back down towards the city center. Casting my mind back when several people at my hostel had asked me why I had chosen to visit Nottingham, I told them that it was to see Charity Shop Sue within the Bulwell town outside of the city of Nottingham. I loved Bulwell with all of its normalcy, the tram allowed me to zoom in and out of the city without taking lots of time. Bulwell had been everything that I had wanted it to have been, the bogs presented themselves just as they did in that renowned YouTube series. The Lace Market had me walking back to the Nottingham Tram, bidding a fond farewell to Bulwell, the shop and Sue!

The Lace Market was my contingent, a few days before my departure to Nottingham I found out that the city's castle was closed due to major renovation under a National Lottery grant. After my visit to the Lace Market I tried my luck to see the castle, it was impossible to see anything inside the castle walls but I did see a statue of the famous legend Robin Hood. My time in Nottingham had been short but I had made sure that I had seen everything, I hadn't left anything out during that overnight trip! Using that industrial revolution reference I used the Lace Market as my fourth element, paying dual attention to the castle even though it was being taken care of at the point. My final steps in Nottingham were walked along the canal towpath near Castle Wharf to see the British Waterways building. Catching the coach back to the West Midlands I got talking a Chinese student who proved to be good conversation throughout the journey to Birmingham. Sue Tuke, I'll see you soon! Yes!
Nottingham, Get Back On That Till!
Joseph Harrison