After arriving the previous night from Shanghai, I was ready to see if Kuala Lumpur deserved a firm 'ten out of ten!' From Central Market to Merdeka Square, I wanted to see those monumental sights from the start. Like a prayer, I found St. Mary's Cathedral next to the Royal Selangor Club. Chinatown, KL better don't! Yes, Jalan Petaling already did all that! K to the L!

My Pacific Express Hotel at Central Market had big plans for me, there was no mistaking that the hotel wasn't of the best standard but the location was absolutely amazing! We have to take those small victories in life, I did not intend to spend much time in that questionable hotel anyway. Arriving during the middle of the night had me feeling some type of way, let me just say I wasn't in China anymore! What was Kuala Lumpur going to treat me to? I had no expectations, that was surrounding the attractions and places of interest. I had the Singapore standard in my head with cleaner than clean streets and a seriously slick transit system, I had high hopes for Malaysia's capital city to serve on! Central Market, who? Now, I wanted to know more about that British looking building but I needed to get some serious shuteye before that happened! Of course, Malaysia and her capital city had big plans for me, not just the market I would have you know! An 'Asian Sensation?' Kuala Lumpur had big shoes to fill! Come on, KL broke the dawn!
Oh, British Malaya really tried to do the whole damn thing because from where I was standing during mid-December 2023 served British Colonial Realness! Built in 1888, this former wet market was a hive of activity for those merchants and tin miners. I felt fortunate to be able to visit this 18th Century British Colonial gem because several attempts had been made for its complete demolition. Yes, and? I loved the sky blue and white color scheme from the outside, I wanted to have a look inside for certain! Making my way into KL's own Central Market served me something of a British 'indoor market' situation, it reminded me of a market that my own Wolverhampton used to know from the inside. I had a good gander around the stalls, I bought everything with my eyes but kept those Ringgits for my 'Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner!' I loved the community stalls that were located outside, they showcased local Malaysian business owners with their crafts and edible treats. Merdeka Square was just down the river! Thanks, Central M!

After walking along the Klang River, I was able to find Dataran Merdeka with complete ease. Known in English as 'Independence Square', this landmark place of Malaysian modern history impressed me much! In the moment I didn't know much about that grand statement building, now I have done my reading and I'm ready to fully articulate the history behind KL's Sultan Abdul Samad Building. What was going on? The road was closed outside that currently operating Ministry HQ. For what reason? I was able to take my photos without the any risks, only now I appreciate that closed road. The Moorish/Mughal style building stared down the Royal Selangor Club but I had no idea why such a pointed looked need to be had? I wanted to know more! A graduation? Yes, it was great to see those new graduates dressed in their cap and gowns. Cheers to them! Built in 1894 this former British Colonial government office posed as the imperial heart of the former gov until the Union flag was replaced with Malaysia's in 1957! OK!
Flashbacks of Singapore's own Padang came flooding back with KL's own version, this Malaysian cricket lawn was currently being modified. Those black wooden panels served something closer to home, I was being served something familiar but another era completely. It was amazing to see Kuala Lumpur thrive with their gold, blue and red colours flying proudly over that former Colonial playground. Apparently, the land acquired for the Padang had been purchased to distance the locals away from the British officials during that previous time? Even in that 2023 time, it was not hard to hear the chattering of the patrons who were most likely sipping on an ice cold gin and tonic. Dataran Merdeka showed me something that had been reclaimed by this modern Malaysia, the Sultan Addul Samad Building had been reclaimed as a KL powerhouse in its own right for the people. I was thoroughly impressed by it all! Even though Singapore and Kuala Lumpur both shared somethings, Malaysia's capital could hold her own!

I did not need to pray but St. Mary's Cathedral definitely caught my eye with her 18th Century style, she served Mother England without a doubt! There was something about seeing that church, it was a piece of familiarity for certain! I am not religious but I felt the need to have a nose inside that Anglican place of worship. I had no idea that the Diocese of West Malaysia even existed! Right? With the first bricks laid in 1894, sure I saw a pattern with this British style because the nearby Padang and Sultan Abdul Samad Builidng had both been constructed from that year also. I was reminded of an old village church as I walked towards St. Mary's Cathedral because her presentation gave 'Village Worship Realness!' I did sit down inside that church for about ten minutes because I had a confession to make, I appreciated the cool air! Jesus, I don't need your forgiveness! Gurl? Being a multilingual affair, this church in-question serves English, Iban and Bahasa Malaysia language services for all to get the best from! Jesus said, languages!
A relocation St. Mary's said? Yes, I don't know the details but apparently this Anglican place of worship was relocated to be closer to the two buildings previously mentioned. Of course, I had a flashback of Singapore's own St. Andrew's Cathedral but similarities didn't translate that time. I was looking for something else to experience after visiting Central Market, Dataran Merdeka and St. Mary's Cathedral but I didn't know what? I had been running around the city for the best part of the morning and into the afternoon, the heat had gotten to me good and proper! Deciding that I wanted to experience KL's nearby Chinatown that evening, I decided to retreat back to my hotel for a few hours to complete a blog post and cool off. The morning and afternoon had showcased much more than I had envisaged before arriving into Kuala Lumpur. After being the harsh critic, for me there was no place I'd rather be! Singapore could keep its pristine Downtown Core streets because those KL streets served spades of Realness! KL brought on the evening!

Whilst I was selecting that KL hotel during that pre-trip research period, I already knew that I wanted to stay nearby Kuala Lumpur's Jalan Petaling. Otherwise known as KL's own Chinatown, I was intrigued to see how a Malaysian Chinese style street operated. I wasn't down for those leather-look bags nor those Malaysia print t-shirts because all I wanted was some food and culture served up to me! I was actually dropped off opposite from Jalan Petaling the previous night by my airport taxi, with things in darkness I knew that returning a little earlier the next day would do me good. I am going to swerve around somethings because I wanted to save some culture for my 'Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner' post in the next installment. Nevertheless, I was being served lights in every single direction and I embraced every single second of that Chinatown moment. Of course, the sign in the day time didn't hit right, so I returned later on! Jalan Petaling didn't exactly say Selamat Datang to me first time around but I wasn't mad! No!
I had attempted to visit Jalan Petaling first thing that morning, I really didn't know what to expect before I met with the first of the two Chinese Arch-like signs. For me, I was surprised to see the stalls closed or merely just opened. I did see some Chinese restaurants but I wanted another kind of meal, that I will mention in due course. There was something less manicured about that Chinatown, remembering my time down in Singapore's Chinatown allowed me to compared and contrast once again. Serving a sense of life and times, Kuala Lumpur pulled Realness out of the bag with Jalan Petaling showing something more down to earth in essence. Destination over and out, Kuala Lumpur had surprised me with that first full day! One thing Kuala Lumpur did was keep me sober because I did not touch one single drop of alcohol, coherent and sober sightseeing was ensured all day! Singapore and Kuala Lumpur both share share the same difference, both serving a sisterly alliance indeed! Oh, don't hate me, it's all love!
Kuala Lumpur, Stay Real!
Desperately Seeking Adventure