
Dental Hygiene Marketing Ideas to Promote Your Dental Hygienist Practice

Posted on the 05 August 2021 by Nick Tsai @nicktsai17

Hygiene is essential for a healthy life. If you keep yourself clean, it means you are preventing yourself from diseases. In addition, hygiene helps you to maintain your health.

As hygiene is necessary for your health. In the same way, oral hygiene is essential to keep your teeth and gums safe from diseases.

It involves some habits like brushing twice a day. Or you can have a dental checkup regularly. Now, dental hygiene is not only about preventing cavities and gum diseases.

It’s more than that. For example, do you know there is a relationship between your oral health and overall health?

Isn’t it Interesting?

If you face any tooth decay problem or gum problem, it can lead you to pain. So it is better. It can also lead to tooth loss if you get a checkup on time.

Because of these problems, you may face some difficulties in your personal or work life. However, you can prevent these problems with proper dental care.

Here, in this article, we will discuss dental hygiene marketing ideas. But, first, let’s discuss dental hygiene ideas.

Dental Hygiene Ideas:

Dental Hygiene Ideas

Dental hygiene is as much important as your overall hygiene. There are several dental hygiene ideas for you.

These ideas can help your teeth and gums be healthy. Also, by using these ideas, you keep your smile shiny and bright.

Following are some dental hygiene ideas for you. So, let’s discuss them first before discussing dental hygiene marketing ideas.

1- Brush Your Teeth Regularly:

You probably may know that it is essential to brush your teeth twice a day. It is one of the most important practices that help you to clean your teeth.

Also, it helps your teeth to prevent bacteria and plaque. But, it is only effective when you brush your teeth with the right techniques.

Want to know more about it?

It would help if you brushed in small circular motions. Make sure that you must brush the front, back, and top of every tooth. This process can take 2-3 minutes.

You must avoid sawing your brush in back and forth motion.

2- Use Soft Bristle Brush:

Your brush bristles must be soft. People often use brushes with hard bristles. So that their teeth get clean properly, but it is not the correct way to brush your teeth.

When you brush too hard, it can damage your tooth enamel. Also, it can damage your gums. As a result, you can face many problems like permanent damage to your tooth enamel.

Also, it can cause gum erosion and tooth sensitivity, etc.

Last but not least, you should change your brush every 3 months.

3- Use Fluoride:

Fluoride is the most important ingredient in most toothpaste or mouthwash. It helps to prevent cavities. Expert says lack of fluoride can lead to tooth decay.

Fluoride is essential to keep your teeth and gums healthy. However, brushing and flossing are not everything you need to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

You can even use fluoride in the water that you drink.

Don’t you believe me?

In the United States, many communities use fluoride in their water supply. Many other organizations also recommend the use of fluoride in your drinking water.

4- Floss Your Teeth Once a Day:

Floss Your Teeth Once a Day

Flossing your teeth can give you benefits that only brushing your teeth cannot give you. It prevents your teeth from bacteria and plaque.

It can also help in preventing bad breath. Because it removes debris and food between your teeth, but remember that you gently push the floss down to the gumline.

After that, huggle the sides to teeth with up and down motion. You must avoid snapping the floss up and down. If you do not stop flossing, it will not remove the plaque as effectively.

5- Go and Get Check Up By Dentist Regularly:

You should see a dentist after every 6 months for a check-up. He will remove the plaque and hardened tartar. Also, he will clean your teeth.

The dentist will check for any signs of a cavity, gum disease, mouth cancer, etc.

He may use a dental X-ray to check for cavities.

Isn’t it Interesting?

So, it is very beneficial if you see a doctor every 6 months to help prevent cavities. But, if you are taking good care of your oral health daily. Then, you may go less frequently.

Also, you can speak to your dentist about how often you need to come for a check-up.

6- Limit Your Sugary Foods and Starches:

The more sugar you consume, the more cavities you may have. Therefore, you must avoid eating candies or desserts because such items contain a lot of sugar.

WHO recommends that you should limit your intake of sugar below 10 percent.

Want to know more about it?

Also, eating bread, chips, pasta, or crackers daily can cause tooth decay because all of these things contain starch.

Please take fiber-rich fruits and vegetables rather than taking sugary foods. It will also be good if you take dairy products on daily products without adding sugar.

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Dental Hygiene Marketing Ideas:

Dental Hygiene Marketing Ideas

As we have discussed the dental hygiene ideas. Now, we will discuss dental hygiene marketing ideas. There are several dental hygiene marketing ideas.

Through these ideas, you can raise awareness about dental hygiene. It is important to keep yourself clean hygienic. As you know, there is a relationship between your oral health and overall health.

So it is essential to take care of your oral health. Now, let’s discuss the dental hygiene marketing ideas, which are as follows.

1- Use Facebook Ads:

No doubt, hygiene is paramount. But, you cannot teach this to everyone face-to-face. So, here is the idea of Facebook ads.

This dental hygiene marketing idea is most commonly used. In today’s world, every other person is using Facebook. So, you can put ads on the of dental hygiene.

Want to know more about it?

It is a great way to reach the local audience. It is the same as GOOGLE ads. In addition, you can get the specifically targeted Facebook users.

Facebook advertising is a unique platform for dental hygienists marketing ideas. You can even personalize your Facebook ads to speak up to your audience directly.

2- Use Online Videos:

Online video is one of the best dental hygiene marketing ideas. People prefer to watch videos rather than reading long paragraphs or content.

So, please make videos on dental hygiene. It will be very informative to the people. People will like it because no one wants to breathe badly.

You can put some informative videos on your youtube channel. Every other person uses youtube. So, it is the best way to market. You can make how-to videos on youtube, and also can put them as Facebook ads.

3- Content Marketing:

Content Marketing

Make as much content as you make. But, try to keep it simple. So that people can easily understand what you want to tell them.

Provide your dental clinic address and all the mandatory information. So that patients can easily reach you. Content making is all about the valuable information that you are providing them.

Want to know more?

That information can be based on their needs. This approach will also help you to get a high rank on google’s first page. And, that’s how you can build a healthy relationship with your potential patients.

Write high-quality blog posts about dental hygiene that are important for your patients. Then, update your content on the site every time.

Also Read: Dentist Seo and Its Importance for Your Dental Practice

4- Social Media Marketing:

Your marketing strategy should focus on the needs of the people. There is no better way to marketing dental hygiene ideas than to create an online community.

You can create your online community on different social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

You probably may know that social media is the best platform for promotion.

It can promote even a small thing on a great level. In addition, these social media networks offer paid advertising options.

Let’s discuss some more about.

Marketing on social media is a cost-effective approach for marketing dental hygiene ideas. However, it will be more effective if you target your specific audience for marketing dental hygiene ideas.

5- Remarketing:

You can use his strategy to attract those patients who just read your content. And those, you have not booked an appointment yet.

Through this strategy, you can tag those people who come to your site. They may have come through organic SEO or by using other channels, etc. 

Want to know more about it?

Also, you can target the online ads to people based on pages, time on page, etc.

Remarketing strategies for marketing dental hygiene ideas may include Facebook remarketing. This includes targeting the warm leads again and reducing the engagement from the cold leads.

It will eventually lead to the conversion process of the product. Remarketing on Google Network display can also be included in this strategy.

6- Marketing Through Dental Blog:

Marketing Through Dental Blog

You can post a blog about dental hygiene. And then you can host that blog by yourself. It will be more effective when our patients try to find you on google.

It will also increase your visibility on Google. They throw their questions on your blog. And all you need is to answer them and guide them properly.

Isn’t it interesting?

Trust me; it is the best dental hygienist idea. But after posting that blog. You must keep on checking it. And, if you don’t regularly blog, then you may get out of the website traffic.

Keep in mind that your blog post must be simple and easy to read.

It will help to turn the people more often to your website whenever they want some information.

7- Make Your Website More Accessible and Easy To Use:

Everything that you build about dentistry will revolve around your website. So, you will include dental hygiene ideas on your website. And, it is the easiest dental hygienist idea for you.

So, your website should be accessible. You can make your website accessible by increasing its visibility. It means your website should be on the high rank on google.

Isn’t it interesting about this?

So that people could easily find you. After this, make sure your website is easy. So that people find no difficulty while reading or understanding.

Do you know the design and layout of your website play an important role in bringing the patients? So, you can optimize your website with a new, welcoming, and attractive web design.

8- Google Ads Marketing Campaign:

Google Ads Marketing Campaign

Google ad is the most powerful online dental hygienist marketing idea. Though google ads, you can control your message. It will be totally up to you what and where an advertisement message should be seen.

You can optimize the google ads to show to the right people at the right time. Therefore, it can help you to drive more potential patients.

Isn’t it interesting?

You probably may like this strategy the most. Because you can control how much do you want to spend. Also, you can choose what you want to say and to whom you want to reach with each ad.

Google also gives you a lot of control over your paid search campaigns. But, it would help if you made sure that your ads are reaching the right people or not.

Also Read: Why Dentists Need to Invest in Dental SEO

Wrapping It All Up!

At the end of this article, I hope that you got all the information that you want. There were some beneficial hygiene ideas for you if you are not a dentist.

But, if you are a dentist and want to market dental hygiene ideas. There are some beneficial and most powerful dental marketing hygienist ideas.

You can use Facebook ads, google ads, remarketing, or social media marketing, etc.

Also, you can market them by making your website more accessible, engaging, and easy for the people.

You can even host a blog for dental marketing hygienist ideas. Also, you can create videos and put them on youtube. Facebook and Youtube are the most powerful platforms.

All these marketing ideas cal help your website to be more visible to google. But, make are you apply all these strategies very well.

You can get more potential patients than before. You can help them at your clinic.

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